Oliver’s POV
“Which way Felicity?” I ask as I come close to the intersection.
“Turn left at the intersection and he is there according to his triangulated location. He is in a shady looking van. And I didn’t say that because it’s in the shadows, although it is but I meant it as…” I chuckle lightly before I break her from her babble.
“Felicity, I got him, he is tied up, Lance is on his way.” I say as I wait for Lance to get there. “Here you go Captain.” I say in my Arrow voice.
“Thank you! We’ve been looking for this guy for a while. Thank you Arrow!” he says as he extends his hand and I shake it.
“Thank you captain!” I say as I shoot an arrow at the closest nearby building and I propel myself forward relying the least I can on my bad knee. I get back to my crutches and I change into sweat pants and a t-shirt and made my way to the foundry.
“Felicity are you down here.” I ask before I hear fighting sounds, so as fast as my crutches would allow I made my way to the foundry to find Laurel training with Roy and Diggle. Felicity was sitting at her computers, typing away, probably updating our firewall. I allowed myself to relax as the scene sunk in. Everyone is safe! I keep telling myself over and over but there was a gut feeling that something was off and it wasn’t quite right. I had a feeling someone was watching us. I lunge and roll Felicity’s chair out of harm's way before a pink arrow headed my way I used my bow to deflect it. I was right. It was someone that was supposed to be on the suicide squad. Wasn’t her bomb supposed to go off?
“Cupid?!” I growl.
“Hey lover!” she says I look Felicity’s way she was standing and Laurel Roy and Diggle by her side.
“Diggle wasn’t she on the suicide Squad?” I ask as I deflect another arrow.
“Yes…” he answers as he is shielding Roy, Laurel and Felicity.
“Then how…” I didn’t get to finish.
“What if A.R.G.U.S is the reason I am here?” she challenges.
“Waller sent you!” Felicity and I realize simultaneously.
She laughs as she goes for Felicity. But Roy uses his bow to protect her. Laurel had her baton, Diggle grabbed his gun I had my bow and Felicity grabbed a bamboo staff.
“What does Waller want?” I ask as I shoot an arrow at her.
“She wants you and them for an assignment.” She says referring to Felicity, Roy, Laurel and Diggle.
“What assignment?” Laurel asked as she moved out of the way of and arrow.
“Only one way to find out.” She says.
“Tell Waller we’re not interested.” I say as I shoot a tranquilizer arrow at her. It hits her leg and I sigh as I look at everyone. They were all okay with the exception of…
“Laurel!” I hear Felicity gasp as she looks at Laurel’s wound, and sighs in relief. “Nothing major, just a scratch.” She says as she grabs the first Aid Kit
“I’ll take her back to A.R.G.U.S” Dig says referring to Cupid.
“Yes, thanks man, also try finding more about this assignment.” I say.He nods and is off.
“I will call it a night.” Roy says heading up the foundry stairs.
“Me too.” Laurel agrees and heads up the stairsbafter her wound was tended to. Thst left Felicity and I alone.
“You alright?” I ask looking in her blue eyes.
“Guess I could ask you the same question.” She challenges. I smile and I nod. And place a soft kiss on her soft lips. She kisses back and I bring her body closer to mine and she places her arms on my face and I warp my arms around her waist. We hear the door so we break our kiss but not the contact.
“I forgot my purse.” Laurel says grabbing her purse before heading back up the stairs.
“I’ll drop you off at home. Then I’ll go home to Thea’s loft.” I say extending one arm to her.
“Or you could stay over at my apartment.” She says with a mischivieous smile spreading across her angelic face, as she wraps her arms around my neck again and kisses me softly.
“I like that idea better.” I say brushing my nose against hers. I smile an let her get her stuff, before heading up the stairs of the foundry together.
Hope you like this chapter I'll try updating as often as I cab which is quite limited due to school work but what can I do, not much. So I'll try updating Friday. Anyway please please please leave your thoughts, comments or concerns in the comment section, vote if you like it and please no hate.

If she knew...
FanfictionWhen Felicity is almost killed Oliver must try to figure out who tried to kill the love if his life. He has to hope she wakes up. Will she?