Cora 101

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Hopefully, this clears things up about the basics of Cora! Though some of this has already been established in Book 1, Golden, so you may be re-reading information (and for you fellas in the discord, you've already seen this! You lot can keep moving <3) It's also likely the information here will be repeated throughout the whole series. Please take the time to thoroughly read through this in case you're confused about anything Cora-related, and leave questions in the comments.

What is Cora?


Cora is essentially magical energy empowering every being in Choria (Kore-e-uh) most powerful in the two dominant life forms, plants, and zombies. We call them Chorians. Some have stronger forms of Cora, while others can hardly use any. Cora allows a user to bend elements, enhance physical or mental capabilities, and more.
Chorians develop a Core Ability through an event in their life, which is a power representing the user's spirit. There are also different Cora types, which sets a guideline on how the Chorian should develop their respected type.

Cora Types

The 8 different Cora types are Offensive, Defensive, Supportive, Passive, Convoker, Elemental, Enchanter, and Technical. From now on, we'll refer to them as the first letter of each word, like O for Offensive, C for Convoker, and so on. Now, about the types:

   • Type O learns the best through firsthand experiences or high-risk high-reward scenarios. Their Core Abilities are aggressive and suited for the front lines.
   • Type D, while being the opposite of the former, also learn through firsthand experiences, though it's better if they have someone/thing to protect. Their Core Abilities are made to inconvenience foes and protect allies.
   • Type S isn't made for combat, but for helping others.They develop through helping those in need, whether it be with daily tasks or saving a life. More often than not, their abilities cannot be used on themselves, for they are made to assist others.
   • Type P is tricky, for they not only learn through indirect instruction, but their Core Abilities are neutral compared to the others. To put it simply, their powers are either always active but only inflict the user in a non-harmful way, or they can be deactivated and activated at any point in time but don't cause any direct harm. If it doesn't make sense now, you'll see plenty of examples in the future.
   • Type C learns best by observing, and it's when one's Core Ability manifests into physical form as a weapon, tool, or some other thing. Their manifested physical form have a special attribute called a Trait.
   • Type E is straightforward. They absorb techniques just by using their element to do different things, nothing else. Their Core Abilities are elemental, but sort of toned-down versions of their element.
Again, if any of this doesn't make sense, just tell me and I'll do my best to clear up things in discussion or through the books.
   • Type EE is also straightforward. Same learning method as Type E, but they don't work the same. Similar to Type P, EE's powers are indirect. They can enchant inanimate objects to do whatever they want, simply put.
   • Type T learns by themselves.The Core Abilities don't truly fall under any of the other types, but fall under multiple at the same time, hence the name, Technical.

Core Abilities

Core Abilities are, as worded differently before, a technique special to the user's spirit, and to find someone with similar or the same Core Ability as another is phenomenally rare.
Some Core Abilities are ridiculously powerful, while others are meant to help and support others.
With there being countless different Core Abilities, there are also academies to assist with learning to control and defend against Cora.

Cora Types, expanded

Type T - Technical (1%)
Eye Colors: Can be any color, but changes to a different color when the Core Ability is activated.
Classification: When a Core Ability follows the standards of two or more Cora Types, or none at all.
Learning Style: Anyhow, it's always on their own.

Type C - Convoker (3%)
Eye Colors: Medium greens, medium grays, darker purples.
Classification: When a Core Ability manifests in specified physical form. The Traits these forms have depend on the Chorian. Trait; a specific ability the physical form has.
Learning Style: Observation.

Type EE - Enchanter (4%)
Eye Colors: Dark blues, dark grays (near black).
Classification: When a Core Ability can enchant inanimate objects. The type of enchantment depends on the Chorian. Some can do helpful enchantments, while others can do harmful, for example.
Learning Style: Practice.

Type E - Elemental (6%)
Eye Colors: Light reds, indigo.
Classification: When a Core Ability is the usage of an element.
Learning Style: Practice.
Ex: Frostbite allows Smoke to breathe ice.

Type O - Offensive (8%)
Eye Colors: Light/medium purples, light greens, Medium reds.
Classification: When a Core Ability is aggressive, and/or it's main purpose is for fighting.
Learning Style: Firsthand experience, in the heat of battle.
Ex: Cybrus' Skewer lets him pierce foes with the spikes on his head. (What else are you gonna use that for? Swimming? I think not.)

Type S - Supportive (11%)
Eye Colors: Light blues, darker browns.
Classification: When a Core Ability is used specifically for helping others. It's often when the user doesn't even directly benefit from the ability.
Learning Style: Assisting those in need.

Type D - Defensive (12%)
Eye Colors: Darker grays, icier blues/greens, light yellows, amber/oranges.
Classification: When a Core Ability inconveniences foes by protecting themselves and/or allies.
Learning Style: Firsthand, in the heat of battle, with someone or something to defend.
Ex: Stelora's Apathy nullifies her pain sensory for a certain amount of time, allowing her to push on when a blow would otherwise cause her to flinch.

Type P - Passive (55%)
Eye Colors: Every color/shade not aforementioned.
Classification: When a Core Ability is always active, or they can be deactivated and reactivated, but don't cause any direct harm to the user or others. The latter applies to both cases.
Learning Style: Indirect.
Ex: Dimensional Storage allows Pea to store things inside of it. Sure, he can shoot things out of the portal as well, but that is just something he can do. Not the main purpose.


To use Cora, it costs energy, life points, items, sometimes even coming with a greater risk.
The greater the power, the greater the cost, which is why those who've attempted to take over the realm with this power end up trading their life for their abilities. This will be touched on later in the series. Cora can be regained in different ways. By eating/drinking, or by sleeping.
Core Abilities can also be passed down to Chorians from spirits, in very certain cases.
And though Cora is made to be used on the battlefield, citizens everywhere repurpose theirs for everyday use over combat. Cora has evolved to the point where most Chorians' Cora isn't even made for fighting. So when Chorians do have an ability made for combat, they're thrown into mastering this ability until they're ready to fight for their cause.

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