Chapter XVIII: In the Right Direction

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Aureate stood before everyone who'd gathered for the sake of the Sunfall Kingdom. All of the attention was on her.

"In there, lies a tyrant with a thirst for power. His loyal followers have no choice but to heed to his every word, and it is our job to bring them liberty. They're holding innocent plants captive until we make a move to reclaim what is ours." She paused, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "Should we fail here, there is no telling what will happen to us. What will happen to the Kingdoms. To Choria. So, when we charge into battle, we will not label ourselves as plant or zombie. No. Together, we march in there as one! We are House Solarex. We are.. the Sunfall Allegiance, and today, we fight for our future!"

A loud rally of cheers responded to her war cry.

"Nothing we haven't handled before." In the crowd, Zephyr nudged Astrophelle.

"That means I'll be even more disappointed should you get bested out there, Airborne," Astrophelle replied, prodding Zephyr with his umbrella in return.

"Hah. Is that a challenge?"

"Hey, what did the flower say?" Valerie invited herself into their conversation. "The only thing I caught was fight."

"She said to kill on sight, Val," Astrophelle told her without missing a beat.

"Oh, did she, now..?"

"No!" Elliot exclaimed. "She wouldn't have said that. R-Right, Lloyd?"

The corners of Lloyd's mouth quirked up. "I think you mean Slushie."

"A debatably doltish title," Zephyr flipping Astaku commented. Valerie reached up to grab him by the ear. "Can it, Witchboy!"

"These plants are an enormous hassle. There's such an easy way to put it all to an end." The astronomer sighed. "There is?" Lloyd blinked.

"But of course, Doughboy. I doubt their crimson cloaks would protect them from a healthy dose of weed killer."

"Now we're talking!" Valerie grinned. "For confection's sake.." Elliot shook his head, crossing his arms. Then, a more serious look passed over the super brainz's face. "So, you guys think they'll really let us stay if we help them with this?"

"I usually have a pretty good radar when it comes to trusting people. It hasn't gone off yet," Valerie said.

"You can barely understand what they're saying.."

"I didn't expect you to advocate for the plants, Violeta," Lloyd added. "Last I checked, you were dying to feast on those leaves of theirs," Zephyr put in. Valerie laughed. "Don't worry. It's all part of the plan," she said.

"Speaking of plans. Cap'n, are you sure you're gonna be okay out there?" Elliot redirected his attention. The others along, watching him with expectancy. "There's no need to fret. I promise I'll fall back should anything go amiss," Astrophelle said, though his gaze darted elsewhere. Zephyr quirked an eyebrow. "Alright! And we'll take care of ourselves, too," Lloyd said.

"I'll tear them apart if they try anything!" Valerie swore.

"Those Hunters have nothing on me, anyway." Zephyr scoffed.

"I'll show them what a pacifier can really do!" Elliot declared. They all leveled him with blank stares. A what? Astrophelle internally facepalmed. "Or, you know, I could just stick to playing support. Yeah. Support sounds better."

"Hey, Astro!"

He turned his head at the sound of a familiar voice. He pulled himself away from his group in favor of meeting with a certain artist. "Is there something you need?" he asked.

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