Epilogue: Siblings

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The Moonfall Kingdom, early May

The prison cell was a hollow cube of concrete, one way in, with no windows. Inside, it was impossible to tell how much time had passed, or whether it was night or day.

Things had been carved into the walls. A name, a date, and something the Prisoner believed in.

Every now and then, a guard would give the Prisoner some water and supplements for sunlight. The Prisoner would always remember the way the cell doors echoed through the hall as they opened. The entire cell was enchanted to nullify Cora, so the Prisoner had no proper way of escaping. As if that wasn't enough, the Prisoner was chained down with shackles of the same enchantment.

Still, the Prisoner remained hopeful. Here and there, somebody kind would check up on the Prisoner. He was the Prisoner's brother. The Brother worked beside the captors, but he claimed it was for reasons to ultimately help the Prisoner.

The Prisoner never lost faith in the Brother. The Brother always knocked a specific way to let the Prisoner know it was him at the door. Unfortunately, the Brother wasn't permitted entry. All he could do was stand outside and whisper reassuring words to the Prisoner.

That was why the Prisoner remained hopeful. Even after being abducted, the Prisoner had faith in the Brother. Faith the Brother would break them both out.

The Brother never wanted to work there. Both the Prisoner and the Brother were being held there against their will. Even though the Brother held more freedom than the Prisoner, both were captives.


Serenia could still remember the day she was stolen from her home and taken to this dark place underground. They knew her for her Core Ability, and abducted her to have it to themselves.

She thought she was alone, when someone opened the door to her cell. It was the first time she'd seen her half brother, Cobolt, in quite a bit. She used to visit Cobolt and her family frequently, but her father grew overprotective once her Core Ability awakened, and they could no longer visit one another.

Cobolt had a frantic look in his eyes when he saw Serenia, who was frightened to see such a familiar face standing beside the ones who captured her. Cobolt was quick to explain, but some part of Serenia still found distaste about the whole situation.

She didn't express it to him. She was simply glad to see him every now and then.

One knock, then a pause, and two more. That was how the rose knew it was her elder brother at the door.


"Colby!" Serenia perked up, pulling against the Cora-Touched bonds that held her captive.

Serenia could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke.

"How was today?" he asked.

"They didn't make me do anything today," Serenia told him.

"So you were cooped up in here all day?" He scoffed. "I wish they would give you some outside time once in a while."

"I don't mind."

"Of course you don't." Cobolt sighed. "You never do."

"How is Stelora?" Serenia asked. He usually mentioned her by then.

"She confronted her sister some time ago. She.. hasn't returned since."

"Do you miss her?"

"Don't worry about me. I'll—"

"She'll come back." Serenia sounded so sure.

"..How can you believe that? You've never met her before." Cobolt was skeptical.

"She's your dearest friend. She wouldn't leave just like that."

Cobolt scoffed. "Stelora is probably happy, wherever she is. There's no proper reason for her to throw herself back into this wretched place. But don't worry. I'll get us out of here, no matter the cost."


Cobolt pulled away from the door, ready to take his leave, when—

"Wait! Through trials and tribulations.."

"..We'll be together, no matter the situation. Sorry, Serenia. I almost forgot."

"It's okay. Love you always."

"Love you, too. And I mean it—I will get us out."

And yet, her bonds grew heavier, and his path grew more twisted with each passing day.

She leaned against the cool concrete wall, shackles jangling with the movement. As her brother departed, Serenia couldn't help but reflect on how distant he grew with every visit.

- End of Bronze.

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 There's more to come! Please be patient C:

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