Chapter IX: The Winds Howl On and On

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"Why do you look like that?" Elliot asked.

"Look like what?" Zephyr replied, involuntarily tensing. Valerie's grin was annoyingly broad; she couldn't get enough of it. "Bald," he said. Internally, Zephyr groaned. Realms, these guys.

"I don't look bald."

"Without the hat, you do!" Valerie exclaimed, then cackled maniacally. The more time he spent around her, the more Zephyr was inclined to believe she actually was. "I'm good looking with and without my hat." The wizard brushed off his shoulder with a self-satisfied smile. A part of him still felt vulnerable without it, despite his remarks. A large part of him. He needed it. Heneeded

"Please," Valerie remarked once she'd finished laughing, "you're a two on your best days."

"Then you must be in the negatives," Zephyr quipped. Her mouth went agape. "Why, you little—"

"Violeta, you're obviously a twelve. Don't mind him," Elliot said without missing a beat. Zephyr raised his brows, slightly. "Anyway, aren't you guys gonna ask how I kept myself busy?"

She shot Zephyr a look. "Elliot, what did you do in here all the time?" The Variant humored him. "Cooked and stuff," he said.

"Isn't that tiring?"

Elliot pointed to the corner of the cave. There were multiple stacks of half-eaten cakes. Zephyr could sense the Cora emanating off of them. "Nah. Want some?" he offered.

"Not the ones you already dug into." She made a repulsed expression. Elliot rolled his eyes, muttering something along the lines of, "so picky," before he summoned a new one. It was a devil's food cake–chocolate on chocolate, on even more chocolate. Judging how Valerie lit up when her eyes landed on it, Zephyr had a suspicion it was her favorite.

"Do you want some cake too?" Elliot directed to Zephyr.

"I don't eat," Zephyr stated. Both zombies gawked at him in absolute disbelief. "You–you what?" Elliot couldn't believe his ears appeared lightheaded, as though on the verge of fainting. "I—" Zephyr gestured to himself, "don't—" he made a crossing motion with his arms, "eat."

"What are you?" Valerie was openly judgemental despite the fact she was speaking around a mouthful of cake. "Don't you need Cora?" Elliot added with a frown.

"Not if it comes from food. Especially bread. I hate bread." Zephyr folded his arms. There were multiple ways a Chorian could regenerate their natural Cora reserve. As long as he slept a whole lot, he would be fine cutting off food from his life. "After you've been around for as long as I have, it all gets boring."

Elliot's face turned from horrified to thoughtful. "How long have you been around?"

"Eh. You lose track after a while."

"Zeph." At the sound of his beloved nickname, Zephyr brought the rock to his ear, motioning for the other two to be quiet.

"Yes~?" He replied singsongily.

"..Cut that out."

"Hah, it bothers you?"

"It's weird. You're.. weird."

Zephyr smiled. "You love it." He heard an insulted scoff from the other side. "No, I don't. You have no idea what you're talking about. As a matter of fact, if I shook your head around, it would rattle." The animosity rang loud and clear, even with the gloves on. A delightful melody to Zephyr's ears.

"Really? Last time, you said it was completely empty. Suppose I've made some progress, then."

"..Anyhow. There's a group of plants known as the Gem Hunters. Have you heard of them, perchance?"

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