Chapter XII: City Astray

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Stelora's group traveled along the Rocky Springs Road. It was a small cobble path with a stream in between that led the way to the Seashore Kingdom. Quynn led the way, having known the lands as he did the back of his hand. Nicholas and Harmonia were next to one another, discussing something of great import by the looks of it.

It has something to do with Cobolt.

I'm aware.

My apologies, then..

Stelora kept close to herself. Without her Gemstone active, she felt more vulnerable than she expected. At least with the Amber, she could command respect with a flick of her spear.

The Gemstone is related to your sense of purpose, Stelora. Once you come to terms with it as a part of you, you will feel whole again.

"Quit intruding on my thoughts!" Stelora snapped. Next to her was Willow, who leveled her with a look of concern.

"Cuckoo.." Smoke commented from beside her.

"Smoke, don't say things like that. She's just talking to her spirit," Willow told him.

"I don't need you to defend me," Stelora said coolly. "Oh. Sorry.." Willow opted for staring at the ground as she walked. Smoke furrowed his brows before directing his frustration at Stelora. "Apologize to Willow!"


"You made her sad. Look at how sad she is!"

Stelora blinked slowly at the sight of the pitiful peashooter.

You should be nice, Stelora. Make some friends.

"I don't care."

Nobody wants to be my friend, Elethea.

Because you're acting like this all of the time!

"Are you three alright back there?" Constance called from ahead. "Yeah, it's just that Stelora's being a bully!" Smoke squeaked in that squeaky squeaker snapdragon voice of his.

"Night is almost upon us. It would be in our best interest to stop for the day," Quynn proposed. "We've been traveling for so long now. I can imagine why some of you might be getting irritable."

Thanks, Dad. Got them off my back.

The group found comfort in a small clearing only a small ways away from the Rocky Springs Road. Stelora separated herself from the group as soon as possible. It only took a few long, peaceful moments, before somebody sat down beside her.

Based on the Cora Signature, it was her father.

"Is there anything you would like to share?" he asked. "Would I ever," she said dryly.

"Yes, I suppose that was a bad approach." Quynn laughed at himself. "Sometimes I feel as though I'm doing this fathering thing all wrong."

"No way!" Stelora exclaimed louder than she intended. His eyes went all wide-like, to which she immediately backed down. "I mean. Given everything we've been through, I think you're doing the best you can."

"Ahh, thank you, my girl. There's that kindness shining through." Then, his expression dimmed when he pressed on with, "How come you refrain from showing the others this side of you?"

"I don't know." Stelora found herself shrugging. "It's.. easier to keep everyone at a leaves' length."

"I see. Did you keep Cobolt at such a length, or did you hold him.... closer?"

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