Chapter X: The Mountain's Peak

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Pea, Gloria, and Stuffy all hovered over the unconscious sunflower in the bed.

"She saved all of us," Gloria said for the millionth time. "How can we possibly repay her?"

"She wouldn't let us. She's selfless in that kind of way." Pea sighed dreamily.

"Risking her own fragile life for the sake of others is beyond reckless. You'd do better than to praise that sort of behavior." Stuffy bristled.

"Don't be like that, Stitches. You're only mad because you think it's your fault she got hurt." They instinctively turned their heads to meet the fiery orange gaze belonging to none other than Flare.

"..Is it that obvious?" Stuffy hung her head miserably.

"I know the look." When Flare entered the room, Pea was still openly gawking. "What." She bared her teeth at him. "Uh. It's just, I think that's the nicest thing I've heard you say. Like, ever," he said, drawing an irritated huff out of her.

"If that's the nicest thing, she must be driving you all mad," Gloria commented. "I hate you all." Flare whirled back around, leaving as quick as she came.

Well, then.

"She is your friend, yes?" Gloria directed at Pea.

"Not really. She doesn't like me.. or anyone, except for Harmonia and Willow, but neither of them are here."

"Oh. I was planning on asking about her temper, but I suppose it'll have to wait."

"Yeah. I couldn't tell you."

Stuffy looked between the two before saying, "So.. about that zombie. Rather, zombies as a whole. The Princess seems to believe in them."

"I do trust Princess Aureate, but it would help if I could understand exactly what this Astrophelle character was saying," Gloria said. "Ohh. That's right, you don't know Ancient Plant," Pea realized.

"That's correct, dearie. I can pick up on a few words here and there, but the rest of the time, I'm just smiling and nodding.."

"The Princess wants us to be empathetic with them. If everything the zombie told us is true so far, it means they've been cast away from their home, their friends, their livelihood, all for the sake of the greater good," Lorelei said while she let herself in. Behind her was both Oliver and Flare.

"Flare? Wh-Why are you back?" Pea blinked owlishly. "I went to look for the Gemstones the toy was supposed to be looking after, but the guards didn't let me out," Flare said.

"I am not a toy, sprout." Stuffy crossed her plushified leaf blades. Flare's tail lashed irritably. "Well, I'm not a sprout!"

"Then maybe you should stop acting like one."

Everyone except for Stuffy braced themselves for the explosion that was to come. But it didn't. Instead, Flare surprised them all by inhaling, exhaling, and resigning against the wall.

"She never uses breathing exercises when I make her mad," Oliver said. "That's because you deserve everything that comes your way." She glared.

"Why, Lorelei, that sort of outlook makes me want to know how else we can make it easier to understand them," Pea referred to her earlier comment before the bickering could escalate. "Let's see, here. What are some similarities between plants and zombies?"

Silence rang.

"As the Princess put it earlier, we are both Chorians," Stuffy said eventually. "That's.. about the only thing coming to mind."

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