Interlude I: Beneath the Surface

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"I regret nothing," she said, setting the gun-like weapon known as a berserker down.

"Then why are you crying?" he asked with a sigh.

"Shut up. It's all according to plan. Ever since convincing Flamethrower and Nightshade I can handle things here, it's all been according to plan."

He leaned against the table between them, casting her an irritable glance. "They didn't even give us backup. The two of us are the only ones working here. How is this going according to your plan?"

"I'll have no trouble explaining everything to you later. As of now, we must enact the next phase."

"Oh? And what is this next phase of the plan you've told me nothing about?"

"We already have six of the Gemstones. Our goal is to collect all of them and open the Applegate. The next one we need is the Topaz of Light."

"The Applegate? What, you trying to break into Relcestra?"

"Of course not. I have somewhere else in mind. Somewhere that'll have made all of this suffering worthwhile. You'll see, Cobolt. I'm depending on your help."

"You sure it's not just because we're the only plants in this entire facility?"

"Of course not. Flamethrower and Nightshade trust me so much, that when I requested for us to be the only ones here, they allowed it without a doubt. Those fools have no idea we're plotting against them." She paused.

"I.. think you missed your point."


"You were supposed to say something reassuring, like, 'oh, no, Cobolt, I need your help because you're the only one I can trust,' or something," Cobolt mocked.

She rolled her eyes, which he caught sight of even in the low lighting.

"There's no need for me to fluff up your ego any more than it has been."

"Hm. You've always been so kind."

"Cobolt, listen. The reason why I befriended you was because I know you can sympathize with me. You're here because of a sibling as well, are you not?"

"No. She's here because of me. And I'm going to free the both of us."

"Exactly! You have the drive to protect your sister and lead a normal life again. That's something we hold in kind."

"Fine. So you said we need the Topaz of Light. Doesn't..?"

"Yeah. She does. Luckily, she hasn't awakened to her Core Ability yet, which gives us some time. Not to mention, her training is bound to go slowly. She's always been a particular type of learner, and I don't think her mentor has realized that yet."

"What's your idea, then?"

"Let's update our figurehead on the situation first. Call into Horizons Academy."

"Yeah, yeah. I know the drill."

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