Chapter XIX: Who We Are

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The plan was simple. They had a primary force charge in through the front, and two other teams could follow up from the sides. While attention was focused in the middle, they would evacuate civilians.

Astrophelle and Zephyr were tasked with keeping a bird's eye view on everything. Both of them were on the wand. Astrophelle casually picked off the enemies from above, sniping them with his umbrella's laser. Whenever the enemy would attempt to shoot them down, one of their units on the field had them covered.

"I've been thinking, Lune," Zephyr started. "What comes.. after this?"

"I've no idea why you plague me with such obvious questions," Astrophelle said at the same time he landed another precise shot.

"No, I—Argh."

Slowly, Astrophelle lowered his umbrella in favor of facing Zephyr. He was seated on the wand, while the other stood (curse his impeccable balance..), so he was forced to painfully crane his neck upwards. "What is it?"

Zephyr was focused on something in the distance. Something Astrophelle couldn't see. "You have your Core Ability to master. I have an entire realm to take down. We'll remain in Choria unless we're vanquished, being zombies and all. So, how does one spend eternity..?"

His Core Ability. Overclock. He only knew it was a Technical Ability due to his eyes swapping to another color upon activation. Otherwise, he would simply think it a Passive type due to the different enhancers it applied. An Ability classifying as Technical meant their power either fell into one or more of the categories, or none at all. Since Astrophelle's already fell into Passive, it automatically implied there was a second property he had yet to discover, as he discussed with Lloyd back in Zomburbia. In moving forward with his training, deciphering that coded part of Overclock, was something he planned in focusing on. At the same time, he found hesitation in doing so. What if—

"..Nevermind. Forget I said anything," Zephyr stated, sounding so unusually like himself, Astrophelle was snapped out of his thoughts.

"With friends. One spends eternity with friends. Did you have such companions back then?" he finally answered.

When he didn't reply, Astrophelle tugged on his cloak.

"I kept everyone at an arm's length," Zephyr answered, allowing the mask to slip as he slowly lowered himself beside Astrophelle. Their legs dangled off the edge. A reminder of how high up they were. Below, they could make out the strained cries of their foes, accompanied by Valerie's maniacal laughter. "It's easier that way."

"..You still do," Astrophelle pointed out.

"Only because I know you detest it." He grinned, bumping Astrophelle via shoulder. The astronomer's eyes flashed an alarmed yellow as he nearly toppled off the edge. He actually would've, had it not been for Zephyr casually catching him by the scarf. Astrophelle held onto Zephyr's arm with a fierce grip. Overclock went away the moment he did.


"Yeah, yeah." Zephyr's voice was fond as he hoisted the other back up. For some reason, Astrophelle didn't sock him square in the face. "I would never let you fall, Lune. And besides, don't you have a tool that grants slow descent?"

"I would still be vulnerable to the enemy, Zeph."

"Please. With Airborne as your backup, your life points will be sitting pretty."

"For some reason, I doubt that." He couldn't help but take a look at his hands. When the black Cora flared up, so did the sensations of his insides being brutally twisted. He bit his tongue to prevent himself from yelling. At least, that time, it didn't last long.

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