Interlude VI: Hand in Hand

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The spring, day two. Early morning.

Lloyd didn't let it go so easily. He was worried for his friend. The zombie in question was off somewhere with his jackalope companion, while the others gathered around Lloyd's spiritual guide.

"We'll go over basic phrases in listening comprehension first," Samui said.

"What's the ghost saying?" Elliot asked. As Lloyd relayed the message, he realized it wouldn't be the last time.. ad tedium.

"All I care about is knowing when they're insulting me!" Valerie declared.

"Don't worry. I'll keep you posted," Zephyr said.

Lloyd turned to the wizard. "When did you even learn Plant?" he asked.

"Ehh, you lose track of time after a while." Zephyr made a vague gesture to the sky as he reclined into the grass.

"Chosen, I fear we're getting sidetracked," Samui said.

"Oh, yeah. We should prolly focus, guys," Lloyd reminded them.

"Yeah, prolly. Altalune'll chew us out of it we don't." The way Zephyr said it sounded as though he were amused with the idea. "We don't want to cause him any more stress." Valerie huffed. As they were going on with the teachings, it took an amount of time before they were approached by a particular pink rose.

"Llooyyd.." Serenia called him, looking downcast. "You guys can keep going without me," Lloyd said to the others. Samui nodded, granting the soldier the window to check on Serenia.

"What's the matter?" he asked with a slight frown. "I miss my brother, Colby," she told him. "Why couldn't you have saved him too?"

"It was a last second mission. Maybe if it were planned a bit more, we could've gotten him too." Lloyd kneeled down to her level, offering a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, though—we'll save him too."

"You—you will?!" Serenia perked up in an instant. "Definitely! Whatever it takes, I'll make sure you two are united." Lloyd's smile then turned a bit sheepish, "It's just, uhh, what does your brother look like?"

"He's a dark blue nightcap. You'll know him once you see him!" There was a fierce amount of adoration behind her words. "He's the best ever."

"I'll take your word for it, Creampuff." Lloyd glimpsed upwards just in time to see somebody else nearing them. It was one of the rescuees—the stuffed flower he remembered Astrophelle talking to at some point.

"Lloyd! Are you coming back or what?" Valerie's voice reminded him of what he was supposed to be doing. "Uh, yeah! Just a sec!" Lloyd answered.

"You realize that if you keep your Gemstone active, the Gem Hunters will locate you?" The stuffed flower told him. "Yeah, I know, Plushie," Lloyd scratched the back of his head, "it's just, I'm not able to turn it off."

"My name is Stuffy."

"Cool! I'm Lloyd."

As his words processed in her mind, her expression turned curious, prompting him to elaborate.

"I asked Churro. He said it might be 'cause—"

"Churro?" Serenia blinked.

"I mean, Astro. Short guy with the hair?"

She blinked again.

"He has the jackalope," Stuffy supplied.


"Horned bunny," she and Lloyd said in unison.

"Oh, you mean the one with those eyes!" Serenia's face lit up with recognition. "His name is Astro? Why do you call him.. 'Churro?'"

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