Chapter IX: Against the Grain

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"I am going to ask a few questions to each of you. If you get it wrong, I'm going to hit you with my umbrella. Understood?"

Lloyd, Elliot, and Valerie looked at one another. They were outside, near the entrance to the Outskirts.

"Do you mean with a laser, or are you just gonna whack us with it?" Lloyd asked.

"A laser sounds good. Thank you for the suggestion."

"Wait, that's not what I—"

"Now, then. Valerie, you first. Can you tell me what to do when faced with Kimicha Hansley on the battlefield?" Astrophelle asked.

Valerie put a hand to her fist and answered with, "Absolutely obliterate her for destroying the Vari—AIAIYAAH!" Astrophelle blasted her in the leg with his umbrella. It was at point-blank, so it didn't cause too much harm, but it burned. "What are you, some kind of sadist?!"

"Incorrect. And of course not. I merely believe in negative reinforcement. Lloyd, it's your turn. Same question."

"Uhh!" A pause. "..D-Don't give her an opportunity to get glass?"

"Did Samui give you that answer?"


Astrophelle aimed a blast at Lloyd's foot. The Gembearer hopped up and down, yelling, "IT'S HOT!"


Elliot straightened. "Kimicha Hansley always carries glass shards with her, so there's no avoiding that! She attacks in bursts, so look for small windows where she isn't sending glass your way! But be careful, because she's light on her feet! Make sure you're always near cover, and do not let her corner you!" He saluted.

"Very good." Astrophelle raised his brows. "Well done, Chef."

"Ma'am!" He saluted, then faltered. "I mean miss! I-I mean Captain!"

Valerie snickered. Astrophelle whirled around to stare her down, to which she pulled a straight face practically faster than light itself, batting her eyelashes innocently. He scoffed. "Since you're so amused, tell me why you can't use Cora against Leon?"

"Because he's got a Core Ability that works kinda like a mirror when faced with Cora!" Lloyd answered, features brightening with pride.

"Lloyd. I was asking Violeta." He groaned. "Oh." Lloyd blinked. "Sorry, Churro."

Astrophelle sighed. "It's no use."

"What we need is more time to train." Valerie said. "No. What we need is a miracle. We've no hope of facing the Top Zombies in our current state," Astrophelle said, then glanced at Elliot, who was still saluting. "..At ease, Chef."

"Phew." Elliot breathed, loosening up.

"You're worrying too much. Why don't we just get Zephyr Astaku now?" Lloyd asked. "Dawn is when Zephyr goes to the training grounds to help the cadets out. We've no choice but to wait until then." Astrophelle explained. "..But something concerns me." He rotated to get a view of the area. Still, nothing was out there.

"I thought Jaxon was following us earlier, but he has yet to reveal himself. I fear we may have fallen into a trap of sorts."

"What!" Valerie exclaimed. "Does that mean..?!"

"We may have to change our plans, aye."

"How long have you been thinking about this?" Elliot asked.

"Couple hours."

"And you only decided to tell us now—"

"Look out!" Lloyd interrupted. Before Astrophelle knew it, he was greeted with a faceful of dirt and gravel. Lloyd had tackled him to the ground. Valerie pointed at the entrance and said, "They're here!"

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