Chapter II: Err..

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The first instance was shortly after their discussion with Buckwheat. Willow had been forced to wait outside. She wasn't eavesdropping, or any of the sort. Nothing like that.

"Ah, yes, Miss Reed. You were still having problems with those headaches of yours?" Buckwheat addressed the peashooter.

"Oh, umm.." Willow snapped herself back to the present. She had been busy thinking about the state the two princesses left in. They were wearing equally twisted expressions, almost as if some heavy news had been suddenly dropped upon them. Hm..

I wonder what they talked about..

"Y-Yeah, that's right, Sir. Vertigo is meant to cause headaches and dizzy sensations in my opponents, but it causes them in myself as well," Willow said. "I can't fight anyone with my Core Ability without basically putting myself on the same level. I used to just try and ignore it, but as Vertigo's gotten more powerful, resisting it has become.. more unbearable."

"As much as I hate to tell ya, kid, it seems like that's just how your ability works. Unless you're given an enchantment of some sort, there ain't no way around it."

Willow figured that was the case, but she dared to hope for once. "Yeah. Okay." She couldn't keep the disappointment from leaking into her tone.

Buckwheat sighed, eyeing her with something akin to sympathy.

Willow was just in the middle of taking her leave, when he unexpectedly switched gears and said, "Starting tomorrow, we're going to switch things up around here. Expect to learn something brand new." That gave her pause. Could it possibly have something to do with the discussion held with Aureate and Stelora?

Because classes had already ended for the day, Willow was forced to wait until the next sunrise. Classes happened early, so it was already expected for the students to be drowsy when walking in, and throughout the lesson. But something was off about that day.

Willow, seated at her desk behind Pea, kept her gaze locked on Aureate. The Princess was known for always paying attention during class. She was extremely comfortable with early rising, so one could imagine how odd it was for her to be half-asleep while Buckwheat was speaking..

Professor Buckwheat's teaching wasn't boring, by any means. He always managed to incorporate engaging prospects into his lectures. So nothing added up.. until Willow noticed Stelora in the same state.

Stelora wasn't one to fall asleep during lectures, boring though she may think them to be. Willow had heard her, on countless occasions, complain about how her spirit, Elethea, won't allow it. So..?

"..And that's why, starting today, we'll be learning a new language."

Both Aureate and Stelora perked right up.

Willow tuned back into the lesson after that, her mind abuzz.


The second instance was a week later, when Willow was in the midst of Vertigo training. She was using Cybrus as her test dummy. The chomper, though quiet, gave her the proper signals on when to push harder or pull back.

Willow had to get Vertigo to a point where it could deeply disorient even the most fortified mind. In order to do that, pushing herself beyond her limits was an absolute must.

"Don't you think this is too intense?" Smoke spoke up from where he was on the sidelines. They were in House Solarex's training room, as the grounds outside were being taken up by the other members.

Because Vertigo affected Willow as well, strengthening it meant enduring more. Hence, Smoke's concern.

"It's necessary, Smoke. The Princess made it so we're members of the Sunfall Allegiance. That means she trusts us to be ready to face strong opponents. I can't let her down," Willow said.

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