Interlude III: Looking Glass

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A comfortable silence settled between them before Lloyd broke it with quite the curious question.

"What happens after this?"

Astrophelle glanced at him, then back to the dismal streets of the Outskirts.

"No matter what we do, I dunno a way to stop Zomburbia's fall."

"I know what you mean. Zomboss has led the zombies for, well, ever. Removing him from the chaos will disturb the flow of society, evoking complete and utter anarchy."

"Where will we go? We won't be able to stay here. I was thinking about that place you told me about. Y'know, the one behind the portal?"

"Nonsense, Doughboy. I suppose you're already aware of where we must go next." He paused, then amended with, "Rather, where you must go."

"It's not fair." Lloyd tightened his grasp on the guardrail. "We're not splitting up. You have to come with me to meet the other Gembearers."

"I know, I know. I don't mind joining you." Astrophelle looked taken aback. "I'm appalled you would think otherwise."

"I..! I didn't mean—!"

"I know, Lloyd."

Lloyd stared at him. "Well, it would be a lot easier to tell whether or not you're being serious if you didn't speak in the same tone of voice all the time."

Astrophelle scoffed. "I am not monotone." Then he heard himself, and frowned. "Okay, I'm not that monotone."

"Sure, Churro. That aside, is there anywhere you've wanted to visit in the Kingdoms in particular?"

"Hmm," Astrophelle hummed, "Yes, there is. I read a book once that entailed the details of a certain kingdom lost to time. It's called the Cumulus Kingdom."

"I've never heard of that once before."

There were five main kingdoms. The Sunfall Kingdom, the Moonfall Kingdom, the Scorching Kingdom, the Northreach Kingdom, and the Seashore Kingdom. Each had their respective plant types and ways of life. However, there were rumors to be a sixth.

The sixth kingdom was in the sky. It was called the Cumulus Kingdom, and the whole place prided itself in being made up entirely of cloud. The book Astrophelle had found was one of many about the Kingdoms in his study. But that book remained the sole one to touch upon this sixth kingdom.

"The reason why it's just a tale, as most believe, is because only Chorians who can reach extremely high heights with their Core Abilities are able to reach it."

"Like, wind manipulation?"


"If we got there, somehow, what would you do?"

"I would like to visit the most notable place the book spoke of. It's called Angel Falls. It's a waterfall supposedly able to grant wishes. If it truly can, I would wish for—"

"No, no! Don't tell me," Lloyd interrupted, "or else it won't come true."

"Very well, then. Even without Angel Falls, I'm sure it'll come true eventually."

"Oh.. then why wish for it?"

He smiled lightly and said, "Just to be sure."

"'Kay.." Lloyd was, admittedly, curious, but held true to his initial objection.

"There's something else that's been bothering me too."


"What if.. the plants don't accept me as easily as Samui did?"

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