Chapter XX: Sproutage Day

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"..And yet still, this is nothing the Sunfall Kingdom cannot overcome. We will grow stronger from this endeavor." Quynn stood on the balcony an hour later, speaking down to his subjects. The early morning sun rose over the horizon, blanketing the kingdom in a warm light. While he spoke, Aureate and the others lingered on the inside of the castle. Well, all except for Cobolt and Serenia. They had made a departure for the Seashore Kingdom, tagging along with the kingdom's troops.

"It's completely gone? Like, completely-completely?" Lloyd asked in Plant, meaning Aureate was able to make out what he was saying. All of the zombies and Estrella were gawking at Astrophelle's hands, for some reason. Aureate found curiosity biting at her as she edged closer and closer toward their little group.

"Something on your mind, Day?" Astrophelle addressed her without looking. Automatically, the other five focused their attention on her.

"What's this about something being gone?" she asked immediately. "Were you plagued by something, Astro? I always had my suspicions, but.."

"Aye, though perhaps not in the way you believe." He lowered his hands into his pockets. "There are varying repercussions for Cora misuse. One of those includes suppressing one's Core Ability, for as we all know, the Ability is a manifestation of oneself."

"So that's really why you weren't too keen on telling me what your Ability was!" Aureate realized.

"Right again. In case you're unaware, the drawback for such an action is corrupted Cora. This corruption eats away at both the victim's energy and life points until there is not a thing left."

"It's gone, though! Not that I'm not grateful or anything, but how..?" Lloyd's eyes lit up mid-sentence. "Oh! Did it have something to do with when Her Holiness revived you?"

"What..?" Stelora mumbled, having been listening in on their conversation. "Sharp as always, Doughboy. I'm inclined to think the same, given the nature of Amber of Energy. Element of Regeneration. It seems its healing abilities have no limits. Not even when it comes to different species.."

"Wait. Revived?" Aureate smiled nervously. "Astro, you died?"

Zephyr just shook his head. "I suppose," Astrophelle shrugged, "but that's besides the point. You came here to inquire more about my Core Ability, did you not?"


There was no applause, when Quynn was finished with his speech. The citizens remained grieving the damage that'd occurred to their homes. He turned, facing the two princesses behind her, as well as a few other faces. They were out of the direct view. Beside him, Gloria addressed them. "Now's your cue, dearies."

"Thank you, Gloria. For everything," said Aureate, giving Gloria's leaf blades a light squeeze.

Gloria's smile turned a bit more watery as she parted to give them the stage. "This has nothing on you," Quynn encouraged, stepping back as well. Aureate exhaled, the sudden pressure of the situation weighing her down. "I will begin," Stelora offered. Aureate was quick to decline the kind offer. "That's okay, Lora. This is something I have to do."

Stelora nodded. Aureate stepped forward, facing the townsfolk in full.

"Hello, everyone. It is lovely to see you all are well," Aureate began. The silence rang, reminding her what she just signed up for. Over her years in the Sunfall Kingdom, her people never accepted her as their future ruler. The heir to the throne.

Getting cold leaves, are we?

Nonsense, Luz. It's time to make history.

That's the spirit! Hah..

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