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Jadon PoV

"What the fuck" I say waking up from sleep I laid there a little cause I keep on hearing banging so I just laid there incase it was in my head

I heard the bang again and my eyes shot open. I looked around the room and I could see a bright light shining in through my window even though all the blinds and curtains were shut.
I jumped out of bed and looked at my Apple Watch on my wrist to see the time.

"1:30" i mumbled to myself

I walked downstairs and as I reached the bottom step another load bang on the door. I open the door to see a really upset and distraught nyla
"Nyla what the fuck?" I say as I saw it was her
And she just burst into tears

"Wait wait wait. Where is the boys?" I asked her
And she pointed to the car

"Go inside let me get them" I say and she nodded her head

Nyla went inside and I walked over the the car I opened on of the passenger side doors and got Tae car chair out and placed it on the floor. Then I walked over and got Tate out of the car and I carried Tate and the car chair in.

When I got inside and placed the car chair on the floor I started feeling Tate waking up
"Shshsh it's okay lil man" I say
"Let me take them up to a room so they can sleep" I say to nyla ans she nodded her head

I took both boys upstairs to one of the spare rooms in the house I'm staying in and place them both into bed with the bed surrounding in pillows so I know that neither of them couldn't fall out in any possible way.  I closed the door slightly and stood there for a moment to process the last 10 minutes

"What is going on" I mumbled

I made my way downstairs and saw nyla still crying while sitting on the couch. I went into the kitchen and got her a tissue before sitting next to her. I passed nyla the tissue and she used it to wipe her eyes, but a tear she missed was still running down her face so I used my thumb to wipe it and she gave me a small smile

"What's up?" I asked her

"I cant do it" she says instantly bursting into tears again and using the tissue to quickly wipe her tears

"Do what?" I asked her

"Be without you" she cries

"You're not without Nyla. Just right now I feel like I need to work on myself before getting back on track with you" I say to her

"But I don't want you to move out or be so cold against me when you come and see the kids" she says

"Nyla. I have something going on right now which I'm not going to bring into this conversation but I'm going through it. I'm also trying hard to be a better man for you. I don't want to rush back into a relationship for then only a month later we are going to be in the same position" I say but nyla didn't say anything

"I focused on what you said all I do is make you cry and it's true. When we got together you never showed any emotion and I have non stopped made you cry" I say

"I didn't mean that" she says

"You did cause you said it. Don't try and take it back cause you feel bad. It's fine " I say

"We have never been the same since I had the miscarriage. I just want us to go back to before them when we fine" she says

"But that's life Nyla. Things get thrown our way and we have to work together and sort it out. And no we haven't been the same but we always have the future to do better" I say

"How long will you take?" She asked me

"I don't know. If I had a date I will be counting down the days but I don't. Just when I feel like I can treat you better" I say

His smile is all I need-Jadon sancho🩷🩵Where stories live. Discover now