Midwinter Calls

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Some weeks after the incident with Simon, Sadie found herself busily tidying and cleaning her apartment one afternoon. The cleanse felt cathartic after the recent mess and stress. She needed a complete reset and tidying was always one of the ways she felt she could achieve that.

Besides, you never know... Mary could show up again. So the next time he does, I want this place to be perfect!

Sadie's report of Simon led to a meeting in college. Both of them were brought before a board including Patryck, the Head of Music, and the Head of School. Simon was forced to apologise to her about his behaviour and nothing ever came of his allegation of Mary and herself. Sadie couldn't tell if Simon's apology was sincere or not but the board seemed satisfied that the matter was resolved. For the time being, Sadie's relationship with Simon was still strained, cold and awkward and she made sure she was never alone with him.

It had been a whirlwind lately. Classes were in full swing and exams were ongoing. Professor Goore seemed to be very busy, rushing to the studio often and running assessments with classes from all four years of the degree programme.

Sadie missed Mary a little. Well, at least she missed the relaxed, casual version of him she had seen a few times. While the two were still very much giving each other stolen glances whenever they could, they barely got five minutes together since. Sadie even tried lingering after classes, deliberately putting her books and stationery away extra slowly, just for a little minute alone with him. He always asked her how she was doing and how things were between herself and Simon. He always looked at her with genuine concern. He definitely seemed to care.

She heard the familiar tone of yet another email coming through from college.

It's from Mary! OMG!

Hi Sadie,

An opportunity has arisen and I'm producing a single for a local band. They actually suggested I work with them in Blackwater Studios: your local recording studio.

Seeing as the studio is so close to you and given your expertise of the rooms there, I'm offering you the position of assistant recording engineer.

Are you are interested?

This is a paid position and I will pay you accordingly for your time. You will also be credited for your work: a great addition to your CV.

Recording is to take place this Saturday starting at 12 midday.

If you're available, please let me know and we can arrange a coffee meeting tomorrow to discuss further production details.

Best regards,

Professor Mary Goore.

Office no. 0611

Sadie read the email in disbelief. She read it again. She blinked. She read it a third time just to make sure it was indeed addressed to her.

Wow! What an opportunity! How very generous of Mary to offer me this!

Hastily she composed her reply:

Dear Professor Goore,

Thank you very much for offering this exciting opportunity to me. I am of course keen to take part in this project and I am available this Saturday to assist you in the recording process.

Payment is not necessary: just the chance to work alongside you and observe your creative working practices is payment enough.

Let's meet for coffee: does 11 am suit? I can't wait to find out more about this project!

Thank you again for extending this opportunity to me.



When she hit "send", she squealed with excitement.

My first gig as a recording engineer! And it's with Mary!!! Oh, I'm so nervous! I hope I will be a good help to him!

Seconds later, his reply pinged in:

Awesome Sadie! Delighted to have you on board! Meet me at 11 am in my office tomorrow, please.

Also, text me your phone number so I can add you to the WhatsApp group chat with the band. My number is below.

PS: you will accept moolah for this gig, I won't have it any other way!


Sadie laughed out loud: moolah!

Then she saw Mary's phone number underneath and felt dizzy.

Trembling, she added him as a contact on her phone. She stared at his name and number on her screen hardly daring to believe that was real life.

Do it, Sadie. Text him. He told you to.

She opened WhatsApp and searched for his name in her contact list. She clicked his profile icon and looked closely at his photo. It was one she had never seen before.

S: Hi Mary. It's Sadie!

M: Sadie! Hi! :)

She sat down on her sofa and tucked her legs underneath her in a lotus position.

Am I really texting Mary?! Oh my God!

He continued texting:

M: I'll add you to the band chat and introduce you to the guys.

S: Sure! Thanks, Mary!

Two minutes later, Sadie was notified she was added to a group chat:

M: Hey everyone. Sarah Anna will be joining us in the studio on Saturday. She's an Audio Production student and she's top of her class. She's going to assist me and observe how we work together. Please say hi!

Sadie blushed hard at Mary's compliment.

And he called me by my full name! How formal! He's definitely playing Professor Professional. This is exciting!

Her phone flooded in with various greetings such as "Hi" and "Nice to have you with us!". She felt part of the team already and that felt good.

She texted Mary privately:

Thanks for the introduction! Very kind...

Mary replied straight away:

No worries! It's the truth, Sarah Anna. :)

Her eyes widened.

OMG is he flirting??? If only I knew his real name: I could sling that right back at him!

S: Well, thank you, Professor! *blush emoticon*

M: I keep telling you: call me Mary. Coffee tomorrow?

S: You're on!

M: Great! See you then! M.

S: See you tomorrow. S.

Sadie squealed out loud again. She wasn't sure which she was looking forward to more: the production meeting in Mary's office tomorrow or the prospect of spending a full Saturday with him in the studio: off-campus.

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