can you keep a secret?

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Sadie looked around her and took a deep breath. She had arrived at Pat's ten minutes ago and she was drinking a cup of tea in his kitchen, watching in interest as he finished making a cup of cappuccino for himself. 

This is weird being here, but hey, he asked me over!

"Your home is so lovely, Pat." Truly it was. Pat lived a thirty-minute drive north of the college, in a rural area just outside of a town. His house was built in the 80s but it was modern inside, clearly renovated in recent years. His kitchen was very large and spacious and was kitted out with expensive fittings. 

I guess a senior lecturer's salary would easily cover a beautiful home like this!

"Thanks, Sadie!" He beamed as he sipped the hot beverage. "My wife managed the renovations! Except for the studio, of course!"

"What does your wife do?"

"Frida is a nurse. She's retired now but she still does little jobs here and there!"

Lecturer and a nurse! No wonder this place is gorgeous...

"How lovely!"

"You'll meet her later! She's out for the day but she'll be back this evening when we put on some food!"

"I'm looking forward to meeting her!" Sadie felt very comfortable in Pat's house and she was reminded that he seemed like a kindly father. He definitely was a family man as his hallway was lined with beautiful photographs of his sons and daughters: mostly in graduation robes while one or two were wedding photos. His children seemed to be in or around her age. 

The sound of tyres crunching on Pat's driveway told them they had company. Pat stretched over and looked out the window. "Goore is here! And it looks like Nadja is just behind him."

Sadie hadn't seen Mary since the day before and that was in college. In fact, they didn't spend any proper time together since their dinner during the week: the one where he scrambled to undress her right before they ate. Well, before he ate... She blushed at the memory and looked into her cup while Pat answered the front door and let Mary and Nadja in.

"Hey!" Mary smiled at her as he walked in. 

"Hi Professor!" She blushed.

"Call me Mary, Sadie" He grinned and his eyes twinkled. He couldn't resist but give her a cheeky wink while Pat was still behind him ushering Nadja in and talking excitedly with her.

He looks ridiculously good! Why is he wearing his best leather jacket and his black jeans with the lace-up crotch?! He looks like he's dressed for a gig! He looks fine as hell! His dark hair was slicked back and a hard guitar case was in his right hand. 

Sadie could tell how good he smelled just by looking at him. Leather and Armani... She longed to hug him and kiss his plump lips but she remained firmly on her chair at Pat's breakfast island.

"Sadie, this is Nadja. Nadja, Sadie!" Pat introduced her to the woman standing behind Mary.

Holy shit!

Sadie laid her eyes on one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. Nadja had extremely long, fuchsia-pink hair which was tied up in a half ponytail, the rest of her colourful straight lengths hung down near her waist. Her hair was shiny and healthy looking. She also wore a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, and black Doc Marten boots. Her skin was as white as snow and her black cat eyeliner was perfectly applied. She was pretty as hell and her figure rocked.

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