hows the head professor

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Sadie was sitting in the lecture hall the following afternoon. Ruthie, Alyssa and Aimee were sitting in the seats around her and listening intensely to Mary's lecture. She stifled a yawn.

How is he not exhausted? He was rubbered last night! I am so ready for bed!

He was bright eyed and bushy tailed, speaking passionately about studio design and room acoustics. He looked very cute in his usual jeans and hoodie combo. Her mind drifted and she zoned out.

Last night was so much fun, hanging out with Mary's friends! And getting to say a proper hello later on to Thomas and Lovisa was great! They were really nice. Not forgetting stumbling back into Mary's after and helping him into bed! He was fixated on feeding the cat that wasn't there! He's such a silly bean!

"... this layout throws sound this direction instead of that: a much better solution which mitigates problematic frequencies..." Mary rattled on. "For example, here's a photo of my studio at home..."

Sadie sat up in her seat when she saw the photo of the music room in Mary's house on the huge projection screen.

Ruthie elbowed her. "Goore's personal studio! Look!" she whispered.

"I see! Sssh!"

Her class listened to Mary and gazed at the screen. "Any questions so far?" He took a long drink of his coffee.

Ruthie's hand shot up. "Do you bring clients to your studio?"

"Ehhhh..." Mary actually blushed and laughed. "That's not what I meant Ruthie! I meant questions about the lecture so far!"

Ruthie continued. "Ah Professor, your content is great so far! I just want to know more about your studio! Have you recorded much there?"

Sadie giggled. Ruthie has no problem heckling him!

"I'm glad you understand room acoustics, Ruthie!" Mary grinned and leaned casually on his desk. "Right then, if you must know, that is my personal studio. When I work with clients, I go to commercial studios. I'm building a studio at home though. I hope to bring clients out there when it's running."

"Will you be hiring a studio assistant?"

How brazen! Sadie almost snorted and some titters echoed around the hall.

"Maybe!" He smiled and laughed. "I don't know! But listen, back to the subject... I know this material is dry but you need to understand the basic principles. I'm going to move on now if there's no other questions..."

Sadie gazed at her handsome boyfriend while he delivered the rest of his hour-long lecture and she tried not to think about how giddy he was during the gig and how horny he was. Also, he owes me one! He never put out when we got back like he said he would! Mary Goore is such a riot! I'm going to tease him about that later!

When the lecture was finished, the class filed out excitedly, bolting straight to the coffee dock. Sadie lingered as Mary shut his laptop and gathered his things.

"Interesting lecture, Professor!"

"Thanks!" He blushed again. "Had to improvise most of that! I left my notes at home this morning in the rush!"

"How's the head?"

"Great! I'm totally fine!"

Sadie looked down at his waist and raised an eyebrow. Mary laughed. "Kitten! You'll put bold thoughts in my brain!" He shuffled and leaned behind the desk.

"Do you always show your classes photos of your home?"

"You mean our home?" He murmured quietly, looking up through his devilock. His green eyes glittered with mischievousness and his beautiful lips were closed in his perfect smile.

This time Sadie blushed. Day-um he's cute!

"Kitten, go get yourself a coffee or something nice. You've another few workshops to go to and you looked bushed. Will I get us a takeaway and we'll have an early night in yours?"

"Sounds great! I actually have band practice this evening. Do you wanna come out to it for a bit?"

Mary looked surprised and excited. "I'd love to see you guys! Yes! It's a date!"

"Tell you what, Professor. Meet me in the rehearsal studio at 7 pm. We'll be having our break then, and you can stay for the rest of the rehearsal then!"

"Sounds perfect! I'm excited to hear Babydoll live!"

"I'm excited for you to be there! See you later, Professor Goore!" She couldn't help but stroke his chin fondly before she left, whirling out the door as Mary gazed after her in amusement.

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