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Sadie joined her classmates in the common area. They were sitting near the grand piano and enjoying a quick break before their next lecture with Jack. Some were sipping hot coffees and some were munching snacks.

"Oh, there's Teacher's Pet!" Ruthie grinned.

"Shush you!"

"Had to say hi to your favourite lecturer, huh?"

"Of course! What about it?" Sadie smiled and shrugged.

Ruthie seemed slightly put off by Sadie's honesty and the fact she didn't seem rattled. "Hmph! Did he seem a bit off today?"

"What do you mean?"

"He seemed a little disorganised and a bit tired. He was fairly loading up on that coffee during the lecture!"

"He probably had a busy weekend! I thought he was quite energetic. I didn’t notice anything wrong to be honest."

"I think he was hungover!"

"Leave the guy alone!" one of the guys interjected. "I thought his lecture was fun. His studio looked cool! I was very pleased he started talking about it!"

"Yeah, I liked his set up!" another chimed in. "He has a tonne of guitar swag! And did you see the vintage Metallica poster on one of the walls? Goore rocks!"

"He's just a slightly older, more clever, and far more experienced one of us!"

"Goore's the man! I saw him in the jacks this morning, he said he was out last night and he was feeling a bit rough! He was pretty rattled he said!"

This was followed by an explosion of laughs.

"Did he say where he was?" Ruthie asked.

"In the city, there was a gig on. Who did he say now?" One of the guys scratched his beard as he thought. "Thomas somebody. Ah, I can't remember! He said he had a great night!"

"Why do you want to know?" Sadie asked Ruthie, more frosty than she intended.

"Just asking! You never know. Could be nice to bump into him somewhere..."

"I thought you thought that he has a girlfriend anyway?" Sadie was becoming more and more furious by the second. "Could you imagine if you were in the same place as him on a night out and he was out with his girlfriend? What do you think he'd say? How would you think she'd feel?"

"It's okay Say, Ruthie was just kidding, right?" Alyssa cut in and glared at Ruthie.

"Sure. Yeah. He was half-cut at the Christmas party, I'd say he's fun when he's absolutely rat-arsed! That's all." Ruthie backed down and flushed bright pink.

"We shouldn't be so nosey about his private life. He's our lecturer after all." Alyssa's calm deep voice softened the mood. "He said he's building a new studio, that's really exciting! Maybe he will keep us informed of how it goes?"

"Yeah, there's no better man to build a studio! He knows all about materials and stuff like that! I'm so pleased he's talking about it..." The guys started talking about studio builds and everyone forgot about Professor Goore's private life.

For the time being.

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