hidden life

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Hey, Goore!"

Mary spun around on his heel in the busy corridor as crowds of students passed by either side of him. Pat was locking a lecture hall door, his keys jangling noisily in the hustle and bustle as the masses made their way towards the canteen. He grinned at Mary. "Hold up, will you? I want to ask you something!"

"Sure!" Mary stood and waited with his laptop under his arm. Some of Sadie's classmates passed him by and cheerfully greeted him. He responded with equal levels of good naturedness, greeting each one by their first name.

"Ah!" Pat joined him. "Let's walk! I've been meaning to catch up with you!" The two started to head for the staff office block.

"How are things?" Mary asked. "Here, give me your laptop bag!" He noticed his senior was laden with assorted electronic equipment and without waiting for an answer, he slung Pat's bag across his own chest.

"Thanks! I should have got a student to carry it!" he joked. "I wont delay you, I've a question for you!"

"Shoot!" Mary laughed.

"I've a vocalist coming into my studio on Saturday. She's amazing, a real talent. I need a bit of rock guitar on the track, you know, something big and arena-like! Would you be so kind as to play for us?"

"I'd love to! This Saturday, yeah?"

"You're a star! Yes, this Saturday! Thanks so much! I need a little assistant actually too. A first year student would be perfect. Would you have anyone in mind?"

"Ummmm..." Mary flailed for a second, momentarily lost for words.

Suddenly Sadie came around the corner, earbuds in her ears and laptop bag hanging off her shoulder. She was walking directly toward them but didn't notice them yet. She was engrossed her phone.

"Oh look!" Pat interjected. "Here comes one now!"

Mary gulped silently and watched helpessly as Pat waved at Sadie, getting her attention. She stopped in her tracks and took her earbuds out as she smiled at Pat.

"Hi Patryck!" Her eyes met Mary's and they sparkled. "Hi Professor Goore" He looks so good! She noticed he was wearing a soft black sweatshirt and jeans. He looked very casual and his hair was spiked up in his bedhead style. He was hot as hell. She blushed and looked back at Pat.

"Hi Sadie" Mary murmured, looking her up and down. She was wearing a three quarter length black winter coat, a chunky knit scarf, black jeans and the black platform Cons he bought for her in New York. She looked like a stylish uni student and he thought she was cute as fuck.

"Sadie, I was wondering if you're available this weekend? Do you work?" Pat jumped straight in, apparently not noticing the tension between the two and the fact that they were mirroring each other's body language as they stole glances at each other.

"I don't work the weekends, no. I usually keep them free for gigging with my band. I'm off this weekend! I've nothing planned!" Sadie's eyes trailed back to Mary's handsome hands.

"Excellent! How would you like to visit my recording studio on Saturday? I'm running a session and I've two musicians coming out. One of them is a vocalist from the west and the other is a guitarist. You might know him actually! He works here from time to time!" His eyes twinkled as he cocked his head toward Mary.

"Professor Goore?" Sadie giggled and blushed harder.

Stop blushing, Kitten! Mary met her eyes again but he couldn't help but blush himself.

"The one and only! What do you say?"

"I'd love to! Sounds fun! Thanks for asking me!"

"Great! I'll email you my house location later. Come out for after lunch, maybe 2 pm? We'll have a fun day and sure, we'll even make a night of it after!"

"Okay!" Sadie giggled and looked at Mary questionly. He lifted an eyebrow in response and smiled softly.

"Looking forward to it!" he said artificially brightly, disguising the fact he knew Sadie better than Pat thought he did.

"Catch you later, Sadie!" Patryck beamed and carried on walking with Mary whose flashing green eyes locked with hers again for a very quick split second. Sadie watched after them in amusement as she put her earbuds back in and resumed listening to Foo Fighters. She lingered in the corridor and gazed for an extra second or two at Mary's tight butt in his light blue jeans, appreciating how good it looked.

She carried on walking towards the canteen to catch up with her classmates. She knew what Mary's eyes really said right before he left.

No harm in texting him along the way...

Hey Sexy! Pat's studio Saturday? That's gonna be fun...

Mary responded five minutes later:
Kitten! We are gonna have to be VERY well behaved!

S: We will! He wants to make a night of it?? What does that mean?

M: Yeah, Pat loves to play host. Expect either a bbq or a pizza party after recording! I've been to quite a few of these... u are gonna love his studio Kitten!

S: I can't wait! BTW are you still coming to mine for dinner tonight?

M: Totally! Can't wait... I'm finished at 5 pm this evening so I'll be at yours before 6!

S: YAY! Can't wait to run my fingers through your hair before we eat... Speaking of eating... ??? Pretty please?

Sadie couldn't help herself. Mary just looked so damn cute in his sweatshirt and jeans.

Very fuckable... I want his gorgeous face between my legs...

M: Kitten!!! U will give me a boner right here in my office! Again!

S: Oopsie. My bad Professor...

M: If u are a good kitty, maybe... can u wait until later??? ;)

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