key to the universe

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Sadie woke up and forced herself out of bed as quietly as she could. Mary was fast asleep and it was still pitch dark outside at 6:30 am. It would be for another while yet. Leaving her warm bed with him in it was torture.

I did not think last semester that I'd be waking up next to my dreamy professor... How crazy is that?!

The kinky cuffs she had tied him up with lay on her bedside locker as a naughty reminder of last night's fun.

She had managed to get possibly four, maybe five hours sleep at best. Groggy, she showered, dried her hair and got dressed for college, making sure to make an extra effort for her meeting with Simon later: not for him, but for her own self esteem.

If I feel that I look good, I'll feel powerful! I won't be belittled by him.

Her eyes fell to the snoring Mary in her bed.

He's so cute all snuggled up there! Her eyes lingered on his sweet face while she waited for her kettle to boil.

"Mmmmmh, Kitten?" he murmured after a sharp snort, eyes still shut. His right arm flailed and he patted the bed, looking for her. He subconsciously knew she had left the bed.

"Hey sleepy head!" She pecked his soft lips and noticed his adorable disheveled hair.

"Good luck today!" he croaked in his deep morning voice, eyes still closed.

"Thanks!" The kettle boiled, causing the kitchen overhead light to flicker. "I'm leaving a key on top of your suitcase, in case you want to go home later? You can stay here in bed as long as you like."

"A key?"

"My apartment key. It's a spare. You'll need it to lock the door. You can keep it." She stroked his forehead fondly and brushed his wonky fringe to one side.

Mary's eyes flew open. The reality of what Sadie just said hit him. "Really?!"

"Totally!" She giggled, pecked his lips again and got up to make her coffee. "Do you want some coffee or are you gonna go back to sleep?"

"Wow! Thanks Kitten! This is a big deal... I'll go back to sleep for another while if that's okay?" He snuggled under the cozy duvet with childlike innocence. "It's too early. Besides, your bed is so comfy and warm!"

She came back in with her mug and sat on the edge of her bed. "Of course it is! Sleep in as long as you need to! And if you want to leave some of your washing here, that's fine too. You know, if you wanna keep some t-shirts and stuff here? Just saying... Might be handy if you want to stay during the school week this semester? There's no point in you driving all the time!"

"Gosh Kitten! I'd save a tonne on diesel if I stayed here and there with you! That's so sweet of you! You're so generous!" He looked at her, now fully awake. "Can't believe you're giving me a key! That's like, a super big deal." Ginger Baker's fluffy head was sticking out from under the duvet beside him.

Sadie giggled. "Well, it makes sense!" She looked at her watch. "I better get going if I want my usual space in carpark 7!"

"Ah yeah, the free one!"

She drained her mug. "Uh huh! Us lowly students don't have reserved parking like you lecturers! Gotta get in early to nab a space."

"Perk of the job... assigned parking!"

Mary looked at her with his fiery intensity. He leaned up suddenly and kissed her hard. He wrapped his arms around her neck, dragging her back down to lie on the bed: on top of him. One kiss became another very quickly, and instantly the flames were reignited for another heated makeout session. They lost themselves for a minute, sweeping tongues against each other and devouring each other. Sadie had to pull away from his juicy lips before she lost track of time entirely. "Mmmmm!" he purred with another rock solid erection. "Best of luck today! Enjoy your first day back and don't let the prick bring you down!"

"I'll try!" She licked her lips and looked at him wistfully, aching to jump back under the duvet with him and play: it would be so easy.

"Don't try: do it!" He looked at her sternly, causing short but deep vertical frown lines to appear between his dark eyebrows.

His frowny face is adorable...

"Okay, thanks babe! By the way, there's nibbles in the fridge. Help yourself to whatever you want! You know where everything is by now."

"Thanks! I'll be here when you get back this evening. Drive safe! Text me when you've made it."

"I can't wait to come already..." She pecked his lips again. "Sleep tight! Enjoy your day off!"

"You look amazing..." Mary trailed his fingers down her arm in an effort to delay her leaving while she got up off the bed. As much as he didnt want her to go, he knew that she had to. He loved her jeans, Cons, blazer and plain t-shirt outfit. Her hair and makeup were on point. She looked totally ready for her meeting and he was proud of her. "Kick his ass, Kitten! I love you."

"I will... I love you too, Mare."

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