Dancing with the devil

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Ah!" Mary sighed as he tossed himself heavily onto the sofa next to Sadie. She squealed through a mouthful of popcorn as the force of his impact caused some flakes to jump from the large bowl and spill onto her lap and the ground.

"Shit!" Mary muttered and snorted as he kicked some into the middle of the floor. He couldn't be bothered to pick them up right now. Spook leaped from the armchair on the opposite side of the room and pounced on a flake, scrambling after it like a hunter in the wild. She eventually licked it and turned her nose up in disgust, disappointed it was neither a stray kibble or piece of chicken. She resumed her curled position on the chair and glared at Mary before half closing her eyes.

"Hey, you started without me!" he dove his hand into the bowl and stuffed a fistful into his mouth as he set up Netflix in his dark sitting room.

"Pig!" Sadie giggled.

Mary looked at her, "Oink!"

Sadie coughed in surprise and took a drink of soda, smirking over her glass at his cute indignant face illuminated by the flickering light from the wood burner and chunky pillar candles.

His expression softened after he swallowed what was in his mouth, "There's a blanket behind you, grab it will you?" He turned his attention back to his TV and flicked through the titles, looking for one in particular.

Sadie pulled the sherpa blanket over their laps and snuggled up to him. He was wearing soft pyjama bottoms and a Metallica t-shirt. His body felt warm. He put his left arm around her, squeezed her, and kissed the crown of her head.

"Have you seen Lucifer?" he asked.

"No! Is it any good?"

"I've only gotten into it recently and watched the first two episodes. It's actually quite good! Lucifer leaves Hell and lives in LA, and he runs this ultra-sexy night club. He's very naughty and it's actually quite funny. You'd like it! The music is really good too".

"Sounds good! Let's watch a few episodes!"

This can be our thing! How cozy!

Sadie curled her legs up on the sofa and snuggled a little deeper into Mary's chest. It wasn't long after 10 pm and as promised, his friend had come over and cut his hair earlier. As she hoped, Mary introduced her as his girlfriend and his friend was welcoming toward her.

The trio shared a large pizza and a few beers in his kitchen as Sadie watched the haircut with interest. They listened to 80s American death metal throughout. Mary wouldn't let either of them chip in for the food delivery.

"No!" he shook his head. "You are cutting my hair, it's my treat and you..." he pointed at Sadie, "are celebrating epic exam results so shut up the pair of you!"

Everyone laughed and Mary had his way.

His haircut looked great: tight by his ears and longer on top, keeping his trademark devilock. Sadie thought he looked crazy-sexy and youthful. His friend left shortly after the last slice of pizza was devoured, leaving the two lovebirds alone.

"Hey, he's cute!" she murmured approvingly watching the show.

Mary snorted again, "Thought he'd be your type alright!"

"Tall, dark, and handsome. He's not as hot as you though!" she squeezed him. "Oh wow, she's pretty too! Now I know why you've been enjoying this!"

"The detective is fucking gorgeous but she's not a drummer..." Mary murmured as he munched another fistful of popcorn.

Sadie giggled and enjoyed the show.

This is exactly where I want to be: snuggled up with Mary in his sitting room on a cold winter's night, blanket across us, snacks at hand and watching a fun show! No one to disturb us.

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