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Sadie took a deep breath and walked into the noisy multi-purpose hall. It was full of single-sized desks with lecturers from all departments sitting behind them while chatting with students. It seemed like a relaxed and casual affair.

"Who have you to see?" she asked Alyssa.

"Simon. How about you?"


"He's over there, toward the corner! Do you wanna go first?"

"Do you mind if I do? I can't wait another second to rip him a new butthole!"

"Sadie!" she gasped in horror.

"Just kidding! But seriously we aren't on good terms. Will you stick by, please? I'm anxious and I'll feel better knowing you're close."

"Of course, I will!" Alyssa smiled.

Here we go... look at him! He's such an asshole...

Simon was sitting on his own, scrolling on his iPhone. Sadie walked confidently toward him. "Hey, Professor. Got a minute?"

"Sarah!" He looked genuinely surprised to see her. His piercing blue eyes looked her up and down. "Sit." He beckoned toward the chair opposite him and opened his laptop. "What can I do for you?"

Don't play innocent with me, you prick!

"I was hoping we could talk about my result, I was disappointed with my grade. I was wondering where I went wrong. Especially when you said my research paper was a distinction." She looked him dead in the eye, silently pleading with herself not to break the contact.

"Hmmm, let me see. I can't remember your paper off-hand." Simon lied as he opened the file of examination papers from the first years. "Simmons sound? That you?"


"I have it here as an 89%. What is wrong with that? I usually don't give more than 85. I've been very generous with you."

"What about my exam?"

"Yeah, also a distinction." Simon feigned annoyed bafflement.

Sadie put the exam results sheet she received in the post on the table. "Look. That says a pass. Just about. Either you're lying to me or something has gone wrong. It has brought down my entire GPA." She was shaking all over with rage.

Simon peered at the piece of paper. "Okay, looks like there was a technical error in processing results. You should have gotten a higher mark. I don't know what it would be, I'd have to tally up your lates and absences..."

So you don't have it in front of you? Then you are lying!

"I have never missed a day. I'm always early for class." Sadie replied bluntly.

Fuck you, stop pretending you're not screwing with me!

"Alright, calm down, I don't like your tone, Miss Danielsson."

"You don't like my tone? I don't like yours!" Sadie felt fury rip through her like a tornado.

"Look, there's been an error! Calm down! I'll fix it! I'll resubmit to the exam board, okay?!" He sighed loudly and Sadie could see a vein bulging in his neck. He was fuming. "You'll get a letter with new results next week."

He had no idea I was going to stand up to him!

"Great! Then we're all settled! Thanks, Professor!" She stood up and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest.

"See you, Sarah." He was gritting his teeth.

Sadie moved back to Alyssa who was watching in horror. "You two looked like you were about to have a full-on fight!" she murmured.

"Was close to it!" She was clenching her fists. "He's in a mood. Good luck! I'll wait here for you." She watched Simon hammering furiously into his laptop as Alyssa trailed over nervously. He looked up at her and smiled, clearly turning his charm on for the impressionable young woman. Sadie felt disgusted.

She waited patiently and watched the two, unable to hear what they were saying. Alyssa giggled and smiled, her large blue eyes never leaving Simon's. He invited her beside him to look into his laptop and she leaned over his shoulder as he read. She nodded from time to time.

Guess I'll let Mary know how the meeting went... she hammered into her phone.

Hey! Just had my meeting. Don't think he was expecting to see me, he seemed flustered. He gave me some bullshit excuse but he's going to amend my grade. I hope you're enjoying your lie-on in bed! Love you!

She flicked through some of the photos she had of him in her gallery. She lingered on a selfie they took at his gig, he was standing behind her and he had his arms wrapped around her. His chin was resting on her shoulder and he was squeezing her. His eyes popped with his eyeliner and his hair was messy and tousled. He was totally gorgeous in his rocker gear: a million miles away from his cute but nerdy lecturer-self.

We look so cute together... she could almost feel him right now as she remembered taking the photo that night.

"Hey!" Alyssa was back by her side.

"Hey. How did you get on?" Sadie put her phone in her pocket.

"Great! He was really sweet to me. He didn't seem grumpy!"

"Come on, let's get out of here. It's too noisy!" Sadie took Alyssa's arm in hers and she threw her head over her shoulder, Simon was watching them intensely.

When they reached the quieter corridors, the girls continued their conversation about their grades. Sadie's phone vibrated and she saw Mary had replied:

That's my little hellcat! Proud of u! Knew this would all get sorted!

He sent a selfie. Ginger Baker was squished up beside him in her bed.

M: We are cozy as fuck here. But we miss u. When will u be home?

S: Around 4.30 pm. You are SO cute! Go back to sleep for another while! Miss you too...

M: Nah, think I'll get up and fire off a few work emails. Enjoy the rest of your day and come home soon, yeah? I'll be waiting...

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