Let me love you

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Mary's right hand was under Sadie's chin, holding her head steady as his lips swept over hers. He wanted her to know that he meant what he had just said only seconds ago: that he loved her more than anything else and that every fibre of his being yearned to be with her, night and day.

His free hand stroked her long, soft hair and he pressed his body into hers as they sat next to each other on her couch. He knew from the moment he first laid eyes on her that she was someone special. Even though he had tried his best to resist, he was more attracted to her than to anyone he had met before. He thought he was in love before: he was wrong.

Sadie whimpered softly as she met his tongue with hers. His kisses were hypnotic, drawing her into a fuzzy haze where one kiss became many. Lips brushed against lips in the sweetest of ways and she knew deep down that Mary was for forever.

It didn't matter that he was her lecturer. The rulebook had long been thrown out the window. He taught her much more than the content he delivered in the classroom. With Mary she learned how to let her guard down, how to feel truly safe with another person, and how to grow. She could truly be herself with him.

She knew from the first moment when his hand brushed against hers by accident in the lab that there was something more to be explored. A connection was made that afternoon and ever since, they spun closer and closer together, gradually pulling toward each other like two magnets. Helpless, irresistible, inevitable.

Their kisses intensified. Mary started toying with the hem of her pjyama top, his warm fingertips brushing against her soft skin. He leaned heavily into her and she shuffled slightly, allowing his body to press harder into hers. Kissing Mary was always delicious, he seemed to lose himself every time and he always chased her lips for more.

"Mary?" she murmured, breaking away from his lips. "How the fuck did we not know each other before now?"

"What do you mean?" He chased her mouth, demanding more lip action. "Pretty sure I was banging you only last night!"

Sadie hit him playfully on his chest. "I mean how did we not meet before college? Our paths never even crossed. I was on the road, you were on the road. Seems crazy we never knew of each other before!"

"That's just it I reckon! We were on different roads. I wasn't gigging so much in the last five or six years cos I was doing my Ph.D. You were constantly going then. Why?" He kissed her again. "Why do you ask? All that matters is that we found each other in the end!"

"Just... I dunno. I still worry about us. Maybe if we had met before college... I dunno?"

"Don't worry about that. People meet for different reasons. We weren't ready for each other before now!"

"You think?"

"Would you have gone to one of my death metal gigs? Would you have given me a second look if you bumped into me and I was wearing my makeup, blood and stuff?"

Sadie giggled. "Okay, I admit I maybe would have been a bit scared! You guys are noisy as fuck! But the guyliner now... that would've made me look twice!"

"Noisy?" Mary laughed. "I like that! Good!" He smiled in satisfaction as he roamed under her top, his long fingers clawing playfully at the curve in her waist. "I brought you back a little present from the States!"

"Putting new strings on my guitar was plenty, Mare! And the buzz-buzz toy! You spoil me!"

"So? I wanna get you nice things, Kitten!" He raised his eyebrow, "Oh yeah, the toy! I have to check that out! After dinner, perhaps?"

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