Im your rock

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Sadie watched Mary pull on a fresh pair of jeans: the tight-fitting, light grey ones that hug his butt so perfectly. They made his legs look extra long and his thighs seem extra firm. He bent over and grabbed his belt, pulling it out of the other random pair that had been balled on the floor a few days ago. She appreciated how soft his slim belly looked in the morning light and how sexy his erect nipples were on his relatively hairless chest. Mary wearing just a pair of jeans was sexy as hell.

She rummaged through the pile of folded clean clothes Mary had washed and tumble-dried for her a while back. He was watching her through his cheeky side-eye glance, silently admiring her butt in black lace-trim high-cut panties. Her curves were beautiful.

He pulled a black crew neck sweater over his head, causing his damp hair to slick down. He then opened the bedroom window a little more and took some things out of a little box that sat next to it. Sadie watched in interest as she continued dressing.

He lit a tealight candle and then set a little piece of holy wood on fire. He shook the stick when it glowed red and white smoke billowed from it. He swished the smoking wood around the clear quartz crystals that stood on his windowsill and muttered under his breath.

He's doing the ritual thing again!

He ignored her stare and when he had finished with the rocks, he swished the wood over the bed, directing the smoke over their pillows. Next, he moved to each corner of the room, methodically waving the fragrant burning wood around. The smell was beautiful and it brought her back to the special day when Mary opened his heart to her.

By the time she had dressed and styled her hair in two long plaits, he had finished his ritual. He grabbed his hair dryer and started drying his hair: it fluffed up quickly. He caught her eye and grinned, not bothering to say anything over the noise but he knew she was either dying to ask him about the holy wood or tease him over having to blowdry his slightly too-thick and too-long hair.

He switched it off after a minute and marched into the ensuite to style it. "Speak! I know you're dying to!" he called out.

"K! What was the holy wood business about? It's 09:30 on a Sunday morning!" She leaned on the doorframe casually and watched him peer at himself in the mirror as he ran his hands through his hair, styling it up with great care, ever the perfectionist that he was.

He grinned boyishly. "I figured the room needed an energy clear-out! You had a nightmare so I reckon perhaps my crystals were holding onto negative energy. I released it with the Palo Santo and I did the whole room while I was at it. Remember I told you that nasty dark energy can cling to corners? Maybe you'll sleep better tonight..."

"You're very sweet!"

"Well it only just occurred to me, so I thought that I had better do it there and then, while I've the chance!" He primped his hair to perfection and examined the short stubble growing on his chin, face, and neck. "And before my scatterbrain forgets!"

"You're very fucking cute..." She stepped behind him and squeezed him. She glanced at their reflection and saw he was grinning at her. "Here, pull that out! You always hide it under your tops!" She teased the little inverted cross out from under his sweatshirt and put it over it.

"Mmmmmm" he purred and narrowed his eyes at her.

Best bedroom eyes ever... She marveled at how cute her boyfriend was. His cute nose, kissable lips, those long dark eyelashes that framed sparkling green eyes, his high cheekbones, and square jawline. He was just fabulously good-looking, the more she looked at him, the more she adored him.

He pumped a couple of sprays of his beloved Armani cologne on his neck and collarbone. "I'm ready now! Come on, let's brew the coffee and pack a bag of food!"


"Take my Iron Maiden hoodie with you, it looks cold! Especially since you're only wearing a t-shirt!"

"I'll dress the bed. You start the coffee! I'll be down in a minute!"

"Deal!" Mary headed down the stairs. Spook was waiting at the kitchen window. She meowed at him and he let her in. "Hi kitty! Its been a few days!"

When Sadie came down, she saw Mary petting the cat, she was purring loudly and rubbing her face into his palm. The pair were super cute. His coffee machine was clicking quietly in the background and the microwave was running.

"Aw, hi Spook!" The cat trotted over to her and greeted her warmly.

"She knows you now!" Mary laughed. "You're accepted!"

"Awh! Who's a good puss?" She gave her some scritches under her chin. "You love a good scritch, don't you? Yes, you do!"

"Give her a treat from the cupboard behind you." Mary started pouring coffee into mugs.

"Here you go!" She fed the cat from her palm who ate calmly with great manners. It was so lovely to bond with the beautiful animal: she loved cats.

Mary put the mugs on his table. Sadie could tell which one was his: the milkier one of course. "Here, have a nibble," he offered her a warm mini croissant from the microwave. "Keep you going after the ride this morning until we eat properly!"

Sadie burst out laughing at him as she rinsed her hands of kibble crumbs. Spook jumped onto his lap and rubbed her face against his chin adoringly.

"Phew! Your breath stinks of kibble!" Mary scolded the cat. Sadie laughed at his disgusted face: his wrinkled-up nose, furrowed eyebrows, and pursed lips were cute and funny.

"She didn't ask you to smell it!"

He laughed in agreement.

The cat jumped down and trotted to Sadie. She put her two front paws up on the edge of her chair and meowed softly.

"Did Daddy say something mean to you? Poor girlie!"

"Daddy!" Mary scoffed, slurping his coffee. "Oh! I've something for you!" He held his finger up as if Sadie was going to go somewhere. Still drinking his coffee, he stood and grabbed an envelope from the mess drawer.

"What's this?" Sadie asked, frowning at it.

"Why don't you open it and see?" Mary sat back down.

She tore it open and pulled out a brand new shiny key.

"My place is your place," he stated matter of factly.

"Oh, wow! Thank you so much!" Sadie was a bit shell-shocked.

"Don't look so surprised! You gave me yours only recently, remember? Last night proved it was time! Put it on your keyring now, Kitten!"

"Thank you!"

"You can come and go here anytime you want. I mean, you always could before but I really want you to know that this is also your home. From home!" Mary blushed, knowing he was stammering and probably making fuck all sense.

"Especially now since the situation with your family..." His eyes were intense. "I was going to give you this anyway but I feel it's even more important now. No matter what happens between your father and you, you have a home with me. Right here."

"Mary, I-"

"I love you, Sadie, and although I'd love for you to move in with me straight away, I know it's too early. We can come and go between yours and mine for the foreseeable. No pressure."

"You're the best!"

Mary looked at his phone. "Oh yes, I nearly forgot! My friend Thomas is playing tonight with his band. I borrowed the Les Paul guitar from him yesterday. I promised I'd go. You up for going out later?"

"Hell yes!"

"He's an interesting dude! You'll love him! He's from Gothenburg too." Mary was referring to Nadja.

"I'm looking forward to the gig and meeting him!"

"Excellent! Drink up! We are gonna hit the road soon!"

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