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Defined by no man,you are your own story ,blazing through the world , turning history into her story.

And when they dare to say
All the things you cannot be,
You smile and tell them,
"I am both war and woman, you cannot stop me"
                                      -Nikita Gill.

The carriage ride was so uncomfortable, how could it not be with so much tension, and how stuffed I felt by this dress, I could hardly breath in it, I was confined under layers and layers of silk and cloth.

Finally we reached the castle, it looked beautiful, well it was supposed to be, of course, it was... a castle, I didn't think it will be so grand, from the lakes to beautiful well cared for garden, I could smell the scent of their well nurtured flowers, it wasn't like back home we rarely grew them, even when we did they weren't this much, from the orchards to begonias that was what we could plant.

Your highness, M'lady we have arrived, the carriage stopped right before a large wooden gate,

The guard escorted us towards the gate, there another palace guard announced our arrival to the palace,

Her royal highness Bridget Georgia of Northumbria and her daughter lady roselle Charles of Northumbria, after the announcement we were allowed into the palace walls, and taken straight to the grand hall where we were to meet the King and Queen of France and my soon to be husband, saying that feels so foreign on my tongue, never in years had I imagine such act , marriage...., well not this early am only turning 18 soon.

Arriving at the grand hall, we were let in by one of the maids, she seems nice I hope, I can't live here all my life without atleast a friend or someone close, Charlotte was the closest to family after father died, she's been more of a sister to me than a maid, here I have no one and that's what scares me, putting my fears aside I prepare myself to meet the King and Queen with a stoic expression.

Your highness we courtesy before the two royals of high power, I am most delighted to meet your acquaintance and to build such alliance with you my mother added with a heartfelt smile.

Yes what a marvelous meeting, it is indeed a wonderful day, A day of excitement and joy, it's an honor to meet you lady roselle the queen added turning towards me with a somewhat distaste in her expression, why do I feel unpleased by this, before my mother could notice the king interrupted our staring contest with a word of accolade.

Wonderful job you have done training your daughter, she has grown to be a fine lady, most suitable for a bride and her gown is quite interesting what a rare decor and style, don't you think? He said turning to the queen beside him

Of course she said with a coy smile, why do I have a feeling the queen and I do not mix well together or she just hates me, is it just me who notices this.

Lisa! the queen snaps her fingers towards a differently dressed maid, while all the others were dress in blue and white she was dressed in black and white and her hair styled to perfection

Escort the queen Bridgette and lady roselle to there room not without giving them a tour around the palace she dictated

Yes your grace the maid bowed down her head, rise the queen said with elegance no wonder she is queen, any one will fall on there knees to her commands and her voice which shows utmost power and authority.

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