le passe

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Perhaps I don't deserve,
Nice things,
'cause I am
Paying for my sins,
I don't


With a warm smile he said I will tell you about Annabelle only on one condition,

What condition? I replied, asking my voice still Abit hesitant, a part of me felt like I wouldn't like where this would end or rather where this conversation was leading to,

Are you ready? He asked his tone Abit serious but friendly enough than earlier with the maid,

Y..es..I replied  hesitantly,

If you tell me who....the man who came to see you yesterday was....I have a feeling we met him before he said even more serious,

My worst nightmare finally came true,how do I explain who William is as I looked at him frightened and in shock as my cheek became red in embarrassment, it's treason for the queen to be caught with someone other than her husband,alas it still came to this.


Ohh..kay... I replied hesitantly, I will tell you,if you go first please I promise I added with a plea in my tone,

Alright he said with Abit of lines on his forehead indicating his unpleasant mood,

It all started........

Five years ago

James!! Stop it's not funny Annabelle screamed at her younger brother as he pulled her blinded locks for side to side disturbing the pleasure she felt while reading the romance book in front her desk in the royal library,

Having enough of his antics, she pulled the chair in which he sat on close to her,

With a thud he fell to the ground, hitting his already sore buttocks, from frolicking around with houses and climb trees to throw apples at villagers or strangers coming into to reside, you could guess he was abit of a handful and a trouble maker at that,

Owe!! Why did you do that it hurt, he whined at his older sister, who smiled victoriously as she read her book now in peace,

You are so not fun, he whined again, it's so boring!! he shouted just to annoy her even more, they were quite fund of each other but most of the time they were bickering and making jest of each other to a point where even there parents were fed up and didn't know who was older among,

Can you please stop!? She screamed questionably at him out of frustration, why don't you go play with Marco or Felix and leave me alone for a while she suggested in annoyance,

No, I find pestering you more entertaining, more than those unsuspecting victims of mine, he soliloquies chuckling  darkly with a mischievous grin,

You are bonkers, do you know that? she laughs at her troublesome brother with a questionable look lifting her eyebrows up shaking her head lightly,

As a matter I am crazy, that's what get the ladies coming he smirks rubbing his none existent beard,

I never Anne was into crazy young boys she laughed at her now confused brother,

Do not tell me you do not know? She asked shocked

Do not know what? He asked still confused,

That Anne likes you, like alot she said still shocked he didn't notice, for a genius he sure is dumb,

You mean the duke of Windsor's daughter! He exclaimed flabbergasted,

Not in a thousand years would I be with her, gosh she is so clingy,and last time I told her I saw a flying pig and she laughed in her words saying "oh James you are so funny" which such an unladylike snort he explained with an unpleased expression and distaste,

Funny I chuckled I think she is cute I said looking down at my book,

Very funny sister, talk about beauty with no brains he murmured inwardly slightly annoyed,

Making me let out another chuckle, as I shaked my head from side to side utterly unsurprised by his comment,

Your highness, dear young prince a maid greeted walking in to the library as she bowed down slightly before arising afterwards,

Yes I replied to her greetings, any problem Gracie? I asked still looking down at my book,

You have a letter, your highness she replied back looking down as a sign of respect,

Turning to look at her, do not look down when I speak to you, you will not be punished Gracie I said with a gentle smile trying to reassure her,

She gently looked you and removed the later from the pocket made on her white apron tied around her waist, stretching her hands out as she walked towards my desk, handing it over to me,

Thank you, you may go, I said collecting the white envelope,

With her last bow she left with my brother, as the tutor had arrived an hour ago, with a bored look he left complaining how he doesn't need one.

Now who sent me a letter? I thought still unsure, opening the white envelope a folded piece of paper fell on my desk,

Dear Annabelle, I send my greetings to you
Full of love and passion we both shared,
I do not know how to return the favor,
But I hope the roses and some of
Your favorite chocolate,
With a few I have gathered from our courtship,I do wish to see you again,
And spend another beautiful day with you
To see your beautiful eyes that sparkled, in the sun, your red rosy lips that entice every desire in me,if It is not much of a bother,
I do wish see at out special spot when the night sky is all we see.

From your dearest

I was still in a daze at who sent this, all heavens would have fallen if anyone besides me got to this letter......she thought,

The present

Your highness a voice interrupting our conversation,

Your grace the maid said again bowing down at us

Rise James said looking down at me, Speak what is it you need, he said grumpily,

Why so grumpy? I thought looking at him with confusion in my eyes,

With clear evident fear in her eyes she stuttered, the qu-een, her Maj..esty wo-uld like..tosee you saying the last part Abit to fast, from afar you see if she had a choice she would run and never return,

For what? he asked Abit less intimidating than earlier, maybe he sensed her fear,

Her Majesty did not state why, I was only ordered to inform you, your highness she uttered less scared,

Fine I shall see then, leave, with that she scurried out of the room, hmm... weird I thought,

Looking into my eyes, as he grabbed my fingers and place them on his palms, leaving feathery kisses on them, which made shiver slightly, do not cause much trouble when am gone, I shall meet the way I left you, Mon petit (little girl),

Am not a little girl! I exclaimed snatching my arms from his grip, folding them over my chest,

Okay, but remember we shall continue this later, he said as he chuckled slightly, kissing on my rosy cheeks which he is becoming very fond of, I gave him a warm smile with a nod.

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