The Dance

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I will not have you
Without the darkness
That hides within you
I will not let you have me
Without my madness
That makes me
If our demons
Can't dance
Neither can we.

After the revelation of who Annabelle was, I was still in shock, and here I was thinking maybe she was his secret lover or a conquest although I still had more questions but I guess that has to wait.

Today is the day of the coronation, where we are officially crowned king and queen, I could feel a knot forming in my gut, I feel so nervous, the day has come, will I be able to rule a whole kingdom? The pressure of bringing an heir I wish I had someone to tell me it will be okay, this are the moments where I wish my father was here atleast a little comfort from someone close,

We are done your highness Juliana my personal maid said

You may go I said looking into the mirror, I looked different, normally back home, I would be stuck n my room drowning my self in books  of false love and romance as I critisize every chapter which felt unreal to me, but today I stand looking at my reflection in a huge red dress embellished with stones and rare gems and my hair put in a neat tight bun ready to be a queen? It felt like I trying to convince my self, I can't do this, at the verge of giving up, a knock interrupts my thoughts

Come in I say composing myself, turning around to meet the gaze of a familiar gray eyes that I have grown too fund of

You look beautiful he says genuinely

My face turns a shade of red as I blush on his compliment, it's quite amusing how complicated our relationship got to be, to think we have only known each other in few days, we could be arguing one minute, and then later it would be like we knew each other, like the world stopped and we were the only ones moving in it.

Thank you I said shortly growing a shade more of red

Well shall we, we do have a kingdom to rule he said stretching his hand out for me to reach

Placing my hands on his, as we walk of the room.

Finally we reached the palace, a huge crowd of people surrounded it, these made me even more nervous, upon reaching the balcony ,in front of me stood a crowd of millions of people, I could feel another knot forming in me, I wish i could just run and hide, I could feel the fear in me rising as we said  the oath,

The new king was asked to declare during the crowning ceremony that he will maintain the established Anglican Protestant Church, rule according to laws agreed in Parliament, and cause law, justice and mercy to be executed in his judgment,

Then I was asked to kneel down, and say the following statements,
 “i shall maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church of Versailles, and the doctrine worship, discipline, and government thereof, as the law established in Versailles.”

After taking the oath, the now old king and queen came forward before us as they set the crowns on both our heads, finally it's done, I am queen, why does it sound so new and foreign on my tongue faking a smile we both waved at the crowd like the happy couple we are, giving them a show to watch as proof of our union, he placed a light kiss on my lips, although it didn't last long I could still feel the taste of cinnamon and dark chocolate lingering on my tongue.

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