A ball A letter

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Your skin without scars is like the sky without stars.


Finally I get to see her again, she taunts my thoughts and my dreams,those blue eyes can't seem to get out of my head,

Finally I get to see him, she says as she stares at the reflection of herself in the mirror, the blue dress suits her figure and brings out her eyes, as her maid gush out every now and then as they dress her up.

The ballroom was filled with so many high class royals, young princes, princesses and lady royals all dressed up ready to find a suitor and a queen,

The master of ceremony finally announced her arrival indeed she was nervous, but as the ballroom went quite, nervous was an understatement of what she felt, walking up with the little amount of courage she had, this is why I hate gathering like this she thought wishing could be in her room buried in large duvet reading a book, as she found a seat close to the wine table, filling her wine glass with some wine, gently sipping into it, if only she knew another pair of eyes was intrigued by her, those pair of hazel green eyes was now another mystery for her to solve.

Hours passed, bored of this gathering, the royals were dancing the elder royals were immensed in political conversations, the lady royals, princess and other ladies seem to enjoy there gossips about the latest dresses, shoes, makeover and all the more boring stuffs,

Can I have a dance? A tall young man asked as he stretched his hands,

As I was about to decline his offer he cuts me off, just one please he says with a plea in his tone,

Okay I say placing my hand over his stretched one, filling up the space between us, walking hand in hand till we reached the center of the ballroom, the violinist start to play a melody as we danced around the ball room, although i wasn't to good, i couldn't the amount of times I had to apologize for stepping on his toes,

The dance came to an end, as we both bowed torwards each other and left the dance space,

I need air I thought to myself, as I walked out of the the ballroom, to a balcony close by, the light breeze blew lightly through my hair as I looked at the stars shining bright in the dark sky, it was beautiful,

It's beautiful just like you, a voice says

Who said that? I thought turning round to meet a hazel green eyes staring at me, who was he? I looked at him confused, I have never seen him, come to think of it I don't meet much people,

You said? I asked still unsure of this unknown stranger,

We both know what I said, he said walking dangerously closer till I felt my back hit the ledge of the balcony, with face not less than a centimeter away from mine, he added saying or would you like me to repeat myself, at this moment my breath was hitched in my lungs,

I....I..umm I can't breathe that was I could say for him to adjust his body away from me, finally I breathed out the air I didn't know I was holding,

I have to go I said trying to leave as fast as possible, he made it had to think, normally am more outspoken even around royals of the opposite gender,

Stay he said holding my hand, okay that's it! Who do you think you are! How dare you barge into my comfort zone and hold my hands I said snatching my hands from his hold,

Well for starters, I am your dream, a handsome dream he said all high and mighty, my dream? With a humorous laugh I added with more like a nightmare, definitely with you screaming my name in it, I don't even know your name, I say in utter disbelief who does he think he is,

I know, but I know yours Anabelle, he said walking further towards me, stay back! I yelled out taking a stance ready to punch him, with chuckle he walked further, is the little princess going to punch me he said sarcastically in disbelief,

Try me I say fiercely taking my stand, before he could come closer I punched him and kneed him in his gut, ugh!.....he groaned,

Want another one I said smirking at him, recovering from his pain which I had fun being the cause of it,

For a princess you through a mean punch, but what do you think about sword fighting, I could teach you he said with a smile, he seemed genuine but I don't know him so I can't trust him just yet,

I take a pass I said walking away, I have enough of this ball, meet me underneath the moonlight princess, if you change your mind.

Oh my goodness Anabelle where have you been, my mother gushed out as she rushed to hug me, mother am fine I said chuckling at her overdramatic attitude, I was about to send some guards to search for you, she added again, mother! I exclaimed looking at her in disbelief, alright you may go to bed I will call of the guard to stop there search.

Finally, I say laying down on my large king sized bed, why is this bed so uncomfortable I said turning around ow! I exclaimed what is this, rolling over to find another letter, I had already forgotten about this admirer, besides am becoming bored of it,

Dear Anabelle,
It was nice seeing today,
Well I did not see you, I thought rolling my eyes,
Who knew the princess could dance so good, although you could use a little help,I shall live you to rest for now, I hope I would get to steal your second dance, if you would love that, although watching you dance was also satisfying.

Your dearest admirer.

Flinging the letter on my desk, there I slept off ready for another trying day.

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