LA Realite

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Flames Truth
And u will meet people
Who are safer loved
From a distance
And dangerous to love
Up close.

Like the flames
You loves as a child

Like fire
That taught you pain.

Finding myself on a  soft mattress, wasn't quite a surprise, of course I fainted! I signed in frustration.

The door of the room was opened to reveal my mother, with a really worried expression, why is she worried? I didn't die or something besides she caused it, am still furious why she would hide such from me, I just looked back her with a blank expression,

Rose, she called my name softly, she only calls me rose when something is wrong, now what happened? Can everything get any worse if course when it comes to me everything seems to get worse.

I shifted my position on the bed, looking directly at her, I still had a blank expression not because I was furious, I was confused I didn't know exactly what to say about what happened earlier today, neither did I know what news she was about break to me, she seems to be hiding alot lately.

Am sorry she said again with a pause, she looked at me with pity and pain, what is she hiding now, I decided to speak.

Mother you came? I said, it came out more
Of a question than a statement,

She answered with a nod and a pained expression, I have something to tell you she said again

I know what you are about to say, yes I know about the wedding today, infact it feels like everyone knew except me I said leaving out the part where even the prince has no idea of the wedding.

Mother did you ever think to make me aware of this? I asked a tear about to slip from my eyes

I didn't know till I came, the queen called me to discuss things, that there was a change of plans she said sincerely

I was shocked! at first but she threatened to break the alliance if we didn't comply she explained

Now I was in shock, I can't I can believe it she hasn't really been hostile about her resentment towards me, so am quite surprised this was the only thing she did.

Your highness! My mother's personal guard barged in to the room, we have to leave, the queen's order he said taking his leave to remain outside the room.

What does that mean? the queen's oder? I asked my mom confused,
Part of the queen's request was that I am not to stay for the wedding today she replied looking away from me,

I chuckled bitterly,

Rose my dear I know this wasn't what u expected, or planned for, but atleast listen to me she said wiping the tear slipping from my eyes,

When I became queen I never had anyone to tell me how to hold a huge burden on my shoulders, I was only sixteen when I left my kingdom never to return and never to see a glimpse of my mother or father,

I looked down trying to hide my hurt only for her to pull me into a hug, listen, it's lonely, it's depressing yes but in a life like this , you don't find love , you make it happen you grab on hold to what you have  and make it work because if you don't, you will regret it and you will be lost, you give love and give again and again and I promise you it might seem not worth it at first but the end is for sure to be great.

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