We meet again

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If you can love the
Hurricane in my eyes
You deserve
The universe in
My heart.
-Gemma troy.

Little princess, his words kept ringing in my head, why would the words of a mere stranger sound so strange yet so.....lovely in the ears, his eyes, his voice......

Your highness! M'lady are you okay? Charlotte asked me looking worried as I stared at the apple we picked wishfully,

Too engrossed in my thoughts I didn't notice the palace guards arrived at our palace green house,

The Queen asked for your presence jared one of the palace guard said looking down as a sign of respect, he was my favorite guard beacause he was more nicer and seemed trustworthy than the rest not only that but I could see he took Abit of liking towards my personal maid Charlotte,

Very well I said dropping my apple in the neatly woven basket, walking out of the green house gates with the guard behind me.

Reaching my parents room, gently knocking on the wooden double doors, come in my mother said from the inside, walking in to the room to see my father laid on the large bed my parents laid, he looked as pale as snow, his eyes were closed indicating that he was fast asleep, looking towards my mother she looked tried, dark circles under her eyes , I looked back at her hoping for an answer of what had happened but all I got was silence, the room went pin drop all u could hear were my silent sobs as I lay beside my father's sick bed, I stood up to leave feeling weary and sick to my stomach, I needed answers and if my mother wasn't complying then I would find them on my own,

Taking my leave my mother spoke softly stopping me right as I was about to twist the door knobs, turning my face towards her,
I replied

Yes mother in a monotone voice I needed air this room was already suffocating already, I could feel the tension rising as I awaited her response, but then again silence,

Turning around to leave, with a step forward she stopped again in my tracks but this time she said,

Why are you leaving?,and please do not go looking for answers, she said with plea in her voice

I looked at her eyes saying yes in other to assure her, after I was sure she was convinced, I left

She knew me well enough not to back down, I was astonished she actually fell for, apart from searching for answers I needed to know why some unknown stranger was stalking me.

Days have passed, months still no evidence and no answers, I have searched every knock and crack of this palace but alas all in vain, I have drained all my remaining energy in tears and my throat has become dry from asking unanswered questions over and over again, everyone seems to know what happened except me, it wasn't fair and the curiosity was killing more than the pain I felt of losing my father, I was always a wild rose when I was young, but it all died down when I was constantly arranged to meet different men or shall I say suitors, some even old enough to be my father, am lucky my mother is still mourning , she would arranged another ball for some supposed marriage, the stranger hasn't showed up I still remember his voice, how it sounded, little princess.......

Your highness, you have a visitor, a maid came walking in,

Who? I asked looking down at the window where I stood, my voice was laced with no interest what so ever I was in no mood to speak or engage in any conversation but I had to find out at least

A man, your highness she replied looking down

A man? I thought taking aback, my mind went back to the mysterious green eyed stranger, I decided to meet him

Tell him to meet me at the royal garden I said looking towards my maid

Yes your highness she said with a bow , before leaving the room, as the door shut I exhaled a breath that I didn't know I was holding, I dressed in a peach gown which little white bows on it and peach stones and pearls on them leaving my room my maid Charlotte accompanied me to the garden,

Upon reaching there, I stopped at my tracks as Charlotte left , looking at a man in a black cape with and black pants with a very interesting hat I might say, he turned around and our eyes met his green eyes and mine met I stared at him as if he didn't break in to my room the first day we met,

Hello princess, he said breaking the awkward stare between us with a grin he looked at me from down to button with a grin ,

I didn't know you would clean up to meet me he said as his grin turned into a smirk

I didn't, I said trying to hide the embarrassment on my face, I can't believe he found out well this is awkward, am talking to a complete stranger and to a man, very attractive man I might say

Breaking the silence, I said what do you want? it came out more harshly than I intended,I didn't even notice there was a scowl on my face till he pointed it out,

Feisty I like it, well to answer your question he said filling up the distance between us, trying my absolute best not to be affected my this attractive man standing before me, but it was had to hide the pink tink on my fair skin, this made him smirk even more, tried my best to hide it but I just turned beetroot, which earned a chuckle from,

Well firstly I did owe you an apology for barging into your room at such sinful hours, but I came here to finish some unfinished business, remember how you punched me in my nose well, turns out princess you have really good aim he said stepping closer I tried to push him but instead he caught my hands in his rough ones, well you owe me a kiss he said leaning in,

I do no- but before I could utter any more he placed his lips on mine as he kissed the living day light out me, it was my first kiss so I wasn't experience, it felt so surreal, he deepened the kiss as both our tongues fought for dominance, but alas he won as he passionately kissed, feeling almost out of air he released my lips biting Abit of my lower, I was in a daze,by now my lips were swollen and red , with one last goodbye kiss he left me there standing, I was an emotional reck, that was the day it all started.

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