love overdose

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Love overdose
Yes I told her love was a drug
Safe in small doses,
Now am addicted by your essence,
Overdose your love, yes I did.

By Jaden Knight and by your author.

M'lady you have a letter,her maid said as she sat by her window sill, still grieving her mother's death, it appears the queen was poisoned the culprit is yet to be found, with her new found lover out to sail, she find no one to confide in her worries, now she is left to bottle it up.

Yes, place it on my desk, she ordered still looking out the window longing for someone to find her and tell her she was but in a horrible nightmare,but alas,it was as real as the night sky, reluctantly she left her window view, to her desk, with her lips in a grasp, as her  fingers glide through the pointy edges of the envelope, her eyes wondered to an envelope which had a red writing, bold and sharp form Hendrick to Annabelle, a tear slipping from her eyes not of pain but of happiness, she had long awaited his letter, getting none since he left for the voyage, her muscles weakened, the anxiety seeping through, finally gaining the courage to open it, her heart skips a beat as she began to read each word,

Dear Ana, it saddens my heart how long I had to wait to send this to you,but nonetheless, I will like to bring our courting to an end, not to marry but, to terminate anymore meetings between us,for I have found another maiden, which suits me better, I apologize for not telling you any sooner, I had been busy with my marriage arrangement, this will be my last letter to you, do not bother sending any back to me, I do appreciate all the moments we spent together and I hope you find someone for you.

~Good bye Ana.

The tears she once withheld as she read the letter, were now pouring out in full blown, she could not believe her eyes, badly wishing it was a dream, how much she wanted it to be, as she laid there numb of pain, losing two people at once, even her brother could not bear to see his sister like this, but even he was grieving the loss of his mother, and was in need of a  shoulder to cry on, the king was buried in his studies, gone mad in search of his dear wife's killer, indeed the kingdom of versillies has greatly fallen, but it is said a great kingdom must overcome it's trails to be one, the servant and all other residence all saddened by this, A kingdom ruled under a mad king, a heart broken princess and a grieving prince.

Two days before the letter.

Your grace, you have a visitor, the royal maid informed, A visitor? he thought, he was finally back from his trip, and could not wait to see his lover, but then again he wondered who might this be, they can come in he ordered,

It's been quite a while, young prince the elderly woman said, she looked of a woman with high status, her stature portrays a woman in her late forties, she held a condensing smile plastered on her well structured, beautifully shaped face,

Indeed he replied back, his reply indicates a feeling of displeasure upon her appearance

Are you not pleased? She asked sensing his displeasure, I will not take much of your time,

Did you make her fall for you? She questioned with a mischievous glint in her eyes, because......if not......our plan will be a failure she trailed of,

Yes, mother I did he answered his head down casted, I did as you wanted,

You mean as we wanted she said moving her face an inch closer to his,
As tears threatened to roll down his eyes, in a dismissive tone he asked are you done mother?

Yes he was a coward but he had no choice it was either she died or he broke her,

Very well my dear son, at least you are not like your cowardly father, and....the queen is she out of the way?
Her smile being replaced with a stoic look

Yes she is, the kingdom is grieving as we speak, he replied, knowing very well the pain his beloved would be in, the pain that he could not take away, the pain he caused,

I see.....,I want you to pay a visit to our little princess, send her a letter, a memorable one, let's scare our princess for life, the hatred and anger was evident in her tone,

His eyes widened in disbelief, I cannot mother!, have we not done enough? He asked his voice shadowing the entire room, rethink this he said to her in a plea now, he could not bear to hurt her anymore than he already has,

Inching even closer to him, gazing at her son's eyes, she scoffed in disbelief, Are you in love with her? She asked grabbing his chin,

You love! Exclaimed his mother, queen Elise was now in full rage, how could he have fallen in love, she thought

Maybe I am, he said but she does not deserve suc- cut short with a slap on his left cheek, the aching pain he felt in his chest was worse than the stinging pain from the slap,

Have you forgotten, have you! Or do I need to remind you? She asked fuming, grabbing his chin once more to look into her eyes, they killed her! Gripping his chin even tighter, you are just like your father, easily swayed,

They need to pay for it! For every pain she felt, for every tear, in ten fold, she smiled devilishly,

Her taste for vengeance needed to be quenched, one way or the other, will she succeed or will Hendrick fulfill his desires or his mother's desire to avenge his sister's death, who is his sister, how did she die?

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