Swords And Tiaras

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It always rains the hardest on people who deserve the sun.

It's been months since any letters were sent to Annabelle, she has soon adopted to it, although she would check her reading desk every morning in hopes, but alas none, it was a very sunny day in kingdom, and Annabelle was fast asleep in her warm bed till of course the interruptions,

Can't a princess get a wink of sleep, she groan as her maids pull the blinds , as the bright sun rays shined on her face, even after being sleep deprived, she still managed to look beautiful with her blonde hair cascading down to her arm, and blue eyes full of mischief, your highness, we were sent by her majesty to dress you up to meet the crown prince of Finland, prince Hendrick the third, one of her maids spoke,

Do I have to? She says inwardly,

It's her Majesty's order, the maid says again

Ok...well..dress me up, she says getting out of bed,as they all followed her to take her bath.

Stepping out of the tub,as my maids rushed to cover me up, with my bath robe, dressed up in yet another gown, you know you would think, I should be used to this certain way of life, but I was never cut out for it, ever since I was a child I always wanted to see the world not to be stuck in a big castle, and dressed up for every occasion like a doll, i do have hands, they know!!,

The prince awaits your arrival in the dinning hall, my maid says, fully dressed up in a golden gown, the dress is pretty and it's not too much I think I might actually like this one of all my gowns, and for the first time I can breathe, I thought with a smile appearing on my face walking into the dinning room,

What appeases the princess so much?, to give such a smile he says, why does his voice sound familiar,

You! I say looking up to see, the most arrogant man I have ever met,


It's beautiful just like you, a voice says

Who said that? I thought turning round to meet a hazel green eyes staring at me, who was he? I looked at him confused, I have never seen him, come to think of it I don't meet much people,

You said? I asked still unsure of this unknown stranger,

We both know what I said, he said walking dangerously closer till I felt my back hit the ledge of the balcony, with face not less than a centimeter away from mine, he added saying or would you like me to repeat myself, at this moment my breath was hitched in my lungs,

I....I..umm I can't breathe that was I could say for him to adjust his body away from me, finally I breathed out the air I didn't know I was holding,

I have to go I said trying to leave as fast as possible, he made it had to think, normally am more outspoken even around royals of the opposite gender,

Stay he said holding my hand, okay that's it! Who do you think you are! How dare you barge into my comfort zone and hold my hands I said snatching my hands from his hold,

Well for starters, I am your dream, a handsome dream he said all high and mighty, my dream? With a humorous laugh I added with more like a nightmare, definitely with you screaming my name in it, I don't even know your name, I say in utter disbelief who does he think he is,

I know, but I know yours Anabelle, he said walking further towards me, stay back! I yelled out taking a stance ready to punch him, with chuckle he walked further, is the little princess going to punch me he said sarcastically in disbelief,

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