joues roses

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Just like a petal,
You were meant to fall
Under the moon and sun,
Our live is a symbol of a growing rose,
Just like the rose it will bloom and wither,
When the time comes.

Back to the present.

Life can be a bit scary and yet so beautiful, yesterday I was wondering who was this prince I was marrying and now I think I might have develop a bit of likeness towards him, though am still not sure if he feels the same,and I haven't heard of William since the coronation party, a bit of me still yarns for him, he was my first love, my first everything,

Why now of all time?, Why do you choose to come back after all the hurt you've caused,I couldn't hold it in any more I broke into sobs, weeks,months ands years of waiting why now? I was hurt, broken all over again, as my sobs became louder, each time I remember the moment,

Flash back

When do I get to see you again? I said looking into his eyes, he laid further in to the grass, we were far off into the meadow, it was quite beautiful and charming how he made a surprise picnic for us, it made me feel special,

Turning around to look at me, when ever he looked at me, it felt like I was the most beautiful girl in world, tell me amore,when do you want to see me?

I blushed at the name, I had learnt Abit of Mexican, or let's just say that's the only word I know, ummm..... everyday,I spoke out shyly looking anywhere but his face,

As you wish princess he said moving close to my ears placing a kiss on earlobe, moving down to my sweet spot, right along my neck line, and teased me with light kisses, until he reached my collarbone he paid extra attention, as I tried not to make a sound, there he made sure to leave a mark on me, I could see a red hickey on my left collarbone, it was my first time out with him and out from the palace.

Back to the present

Why is so hard to forget about you, I thought only to find my thoughts being interrupted my a sound, I look to my side to find the wind blinds open, that wasn't open, or was it?

Hello princess, a familiar voice cuts me off guard, princess.....only one person calls me that...

Turning around to find him standing before me, I gasped why now? Of all times,

I missed you  amore he said with his velvety voice, it's was more deeper than before,

A tear rolled down my eyes, quickly covering up my surprise with an emotionless glare , I voiced out sternly , we meet again, what do you want?

I missed you he repeated Abit hurt by my response, his expression was full of guilt his eyes had lost the glimmer, the glint I fell in love with, he look so weak, sad and tried my  heart broke, indeed I never moved on from him, and I loved him dearly and I don't think I will ever stop, but I have to fulfill my duties.

Leave! I said my face void of emotions, I was breaking inside but I couldn't show it, rather he came closer staring at me in my eyes,

You don't mean it? he asked, do you?! He said Abit louder with tears rolling down his face, you don't mean it! he said again gripping my chin so I could look at him straight in the eyes,

Te amore princessa he spoke sweetly kissing my forehead lightly, letting go of my chin, with a bit of distance between us, I could still feel the light kiss he left on my forehead, with that he left out the window.

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