ma soeur

12 2 0

Your lonely
Is so

It makes me wonder
How something so beautiful
Can be so sad.

The clock strick midnight, as i awaken from my slumber, from a very distant yet alarming sound,

Annabelle! No don't jump, no don't, I turn around to find my husband sweating and shaking mercilessly, while clutching the hem of the silky bed spread of his room,

Whispers turned into screams, the more he screamed he clucthed the silk beneath us,
I was confused of what laid before my eyes, I did the only thing I thought was best,

James, I spoke lightly as I moved gently,closer to the other edge of the bed where he laid, James I whispered in his ears hugging him closer to my chest, raising my hands and placing them right on top of his now tosseled hair , as I gently rubbed his hair down to his shoulders at first he tensed up but later relax into my touch later on,to tried to return my side of the bed, I dift of to sleep regardless of the situation.

Sunrise, ahh lovely right? I said while I stretched and turned around only to meet the King I meant my husband looking at me with stupid smirk on his face,

What's so funny? I spoke irritated with a glare

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed he scoffed out rolling his eyes

You didn't answer me! I yelled out

Wow! You have such a melodic voice he said sarcastically as he got off the bed

You're a jerk do you know that? I said

What did you say he said turning around to look at me as his eyes turned a darker shade of grey, he walked slowly till stood right before me,

Say it he said looking at me coldly

You're a jerk I spoke confidentially with a proud smile plastered on my face,

His cold look immediately turned into smug smile

I like your confidence, but maybe you should look in the mirror first before you speak so high and mighty Mon petit chou( my little cabbage) he said flicking my nose as he turned around walking straight to the door leaving me in his room, he didn't wait a minute so I could  ask what he meant.

I walked to the mirror looking at the reflection in horror, my hair looks like a birds nest, my eyes looked like they've been punched all night and my face looks even paler, not to talk of my breath it stinks,

Oh my! I did not stand Infront of him like this, I think am gonna die of embarrassment, why in the world would you do this to your self roselle, oh no you couldn't stay put at kew, you had to waltz in to his palace only to end up in total embarrassment, uhg I groaned as I rant to myself, with no Idea what so ever that the king's maids where sent to help me dressed up,

Your highness, they called out to me for the third time before I could acknowledge there presence

Come on we don't have all they I said already embarrassed, I know I look like a witch they all giggled at me

No your highness they all said while giggling.

Walking down the stairs, in yet another suffocating gown, do they have make them this tight I whined

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