Old lover

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I thought you were forever but,
Life had other plans,
So to you I leave the pieces of
My broken heart
I wish you could

I would live a thousand lifetime
Just to meet you in
This one.
-gemma troy.

Yesterday was a night of mystery,
I still remember his smile, it lingers in my head like a nightmare, I thought as a tear rolled down my cheek, the memories of him are still stuck in my head, I thought I moved on ,only to be back stuck dancing to the same tones,I still remember how we met....

2 years ago......

M'lady my personal maid Charlotte call out to me

It's time she says looking downwards

You may leave Charlotte I said already sad about today's event, yet another marriage proposal, can life get any better.

Reaching the ball room, where the ball in which young maiden of age are to meet there suitor, or to be persuade for marriage by any prince, dauphin and duck for their hands in marriage.

Dear you look marvelous, my mom said as she spot me gliding through the crowd, am not really much of a fan of this, I would rather stay in my room,under a nice warm bed or in the library somewhere burying myself in books of romance, God! I know am such a love sick psycho.

Hello mother, I greeted her with a tight liped smile, she could see I wasn't quite happy about this arrangements,

Can't you atleast pretend to be happy, maybe if you did a prince might fancy you she said sternly with a slight frown on her face,

With that said I looked towards her trying to make the most realistic smile I could ever think of but alas;it came out looking as fake as a child hating the rain,

You could do better than that she said patting my shoulders , while walking past me to welcome other royal guests.

After a long Tring day, of meeting princes and all, for some so called marriage, I decided to retire back to my room with my limbs tried out and aching, collapsing on my bed for a bit rest only to be interrupted by a loud bang on my door,

What was that? Shooting up from my comfy bed, I felt sleep deprived from all the preparation of this ridiculous meeting.

The knock on the doors becomes louder as a shadow cast under the little space between the door and the floor, I quickly rushed to the other side of my bed to turn on my lamp, only for the door to burst open, my eyes looked at the dark mysterious body in horror, it looked like that of a man, he was staring at the window sill, taking the opportunity seeing the dark figure distracted I quickly hid under my bed but unfortunately, he heard the sound, trying my best to stay still but it was impossible to do having not changed from the ball gown I wore, and with the little space I had to hide in, it was quite suffocating and hard to stay still with out trying to adjust to breath in air.

I felt like my breath was lost as a mischievous grin looked straight at me with a glint in his eyes, to say I was horrified was an understatement, who was this man? And what was he doing in my room? All this questions kept ringing in my head as he stretched his hands under the bed and dragged me out, trying to resist, with a lot of struggle and a few scratches here and there he pulled me out,

Hello little princess, he breathed out  I could smell the scent of  fresh mint and soup, wait! What I mentally screamed in my head, soup of all things,

What's wrong with soup he said with a light chuckle, his voice deep, and husky I was hopelessly lost in them, I totally forgot I said that out loud, trying to register what was happening,Only to pinned on my bed,

Who are you? I uttered with my voice shaking out of fear but mostly curiosity, who was this man?

Your worst nightmare, he said gruffly, his green eye now evident because of the moon light reflecting from my open window,

Although I was scared Abit I replied with a short laugh followed by a snort,

I make you laugh? he asked with Abit of  annoyance that I wasn't fazed if he only knew I was shaking in my dress,

Staying quite not wanting to provoke him even further, besides he is a strange man, stretching his other hand to my neck only to grip it firmly, strangling me,

Now listen little princess, am not gonna hurt you.....he said with a pause only to continue saying not too much he said with glint of lust in his eyes, as I tried to gasp for air squirming under him,he looked distracted raking my body from top to button, taking the opportunity to knee him in the balls, as I gasps like a fish out of water,

You little rat he groaned in pain, serves him right, screaming out loud for help I rushed towards the door, only to be caught again by him,

Where do think you are going he said holding on to my arms firmly, so I couldn't get away,

Help! I yelled out again struggling to get out of his grip

Can you atleast keep quite he whispered harshly in my ears, then a voice from the window of my room  took his attention,

It looked like a young boy around my age he had blue eyes and blond hair,

The job has being done , we need to leave now William he said quietly trying to hold on to the ledge of the window a little more longer

How many times have I told you not to  interrupt me when am in the middle of something? He questioned gesturing towards me, finally letting me loss from his grip, immediately I was free, I punched him on his nose ready to attack his face again, he caught my hands,

You have good aim princess, but it needs a little work he said with each step he took closer to me I could feel my breath hitch

I will see you next time princess he whispered in my hear as he quickly turned  around and jumped through the window, I was still in a daze to guess where he landed,minutes later the guards came in,

Your highness are you okay? They asked ready to fight

Looking at them pointlessly as I replied shortly with a yes

They retrieved back to their positions, leaving me all alone to my thoughts, today was  most eventful than I thought it would be, wait a minute what job was done?

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