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Maybe just maybe, we were meant to meet not just to intertwine.
We want pain to feel pleasure, why do we love the ones that hurt us?


Days passed weeks and no sign of this so called hidden admirer, my brain was already tried from the amount of thinking and brainstorming I put it through, trying to figure out who it maybe, my thoughts were interrupted, the a loud knock on the wooden door of my room,

What now!? I thought annoyed, am getting tried of this balls, why is it so compulsory to even do them,

Come in! I practically yelled out, I know poise and gentleness for a princess but to tried for that,

The door was pushed open, only to reveal my dearest mother, oh God!! I exclaimed sinking my face in to my pillow as I laid on my bed,

Why aren't you ready?, it's a ball tonight and you haven't even picked a dress yet, the queen mother wants to dress fitting with you so get up and get dressed! She said to me I could sense a bit of frustration in her voice,

Maybe if I pretended to sleep she would leave me alone, I thought staying still for awhile, with a little fake snore, maybe she would leave,

I know you are pretending Anabelle, uhg! I scoffed in frustration, fine am going but just know I really don't want to I said as a matter of fact, well your opinion isn't valid...she said with an annoyed grin,

Catherine!! She called out to my personal maid, will please dress Anna for me, make it quick the queen mother is already tried of waiting. She said with a plea in her voice,

Yes your highness she said with respect, oh Catherine no need to address me with such you are my like my daughter okay, with that said Catherine nodded a smile and my mother left, and I am getting for a wonderful exciting day, you can hear sarcasm.

Finally we reached the designers shop, Madame Louisa, I am too deep in fashion but I heard she does all the royal dresses for kings, queens so she is famous around town and across other countries, after very long suffocating ride, the queen mother can be quiet intimidating and judgemental.

The shop was filled with so many dresses, the maids looked like they were enjoying this more than me, and they are, I wish I could just sleep all day and stuff my face with food and books,

The boring atmosphere was getting to me, and I couldn't do anything about it because if I try to leave, it would be rude,

A light tap on my shoulders, was all I needed to escape from my thoughts,

Are you okay dear child? The queen mother asked with concern, I nodded with a yes,

She chuckled, hmm you remind me of my younger self, I used to hate dresses, but I loved to read and stare at the stars at night, your great grandmother always chides me every time we are to have a ball,

How did you know I was bored of this? I asked with blooming curiosity,

Well, the maid seem to enjoy being here more than you, they called out to you to check so many dresses to wear but you spaced out, she said with a humorous laugh

You are not like what I heard about you I said with a slight smile, hoping she won't take it to offence,

Hmm she hummed with a sigh, well I hope this will change your thoughts, Graciela! She called out to one of her maids, yes she is Mexican and so beautiful, I have known her since I was little although she was a lot older than me but we were quite close,

Can you please escort Anna here to get back to the palace I think she has had enough dresses for today she said

Of course your highness but I do hope the princess is alright, she asked with concern,

Yes she is, thank you for concern.

On our way leaving our carriage suddenly stopped,

Is there problem? I asked one of the coachmen,

No your highness, just a bit of a hold up, but It will surely be fixed,

With that said, the carriage began to move about an hour later, finally we reached the palace.

Ha...I heaved a huge sigh, a feeling of blissfulness washed over me, I felt finally in sync with my surroundings, all those dresses made so tried,

Another knock on my door, why!! And a princess just have some time alone to her self I am getting tried of this,

Come in! I yelled out again today, if they keep this up my throat will be hoarse before tomorrow morning,

Your highness she said with slight bow, you really do not need to bow every time you see me okay, I said tried already,

The queen mother brought you a dress, she thinks will suit you for the ball,

Hang it in my closet, and please send my greetings and thanks to the queen mother, I said with a smile with that said she left.

Sitting on a chair facing my reading desk, I was so infused with the book I was reading I did not noticed the envelope on my desk, another letter, how? When? I did not even notice, I was in my room all day, checking the windows to see if maybe someone snuck through, but they were all locked up,

Sitting back down before my desk, I opened the envelope to see a writing, it's the writing as the first, so this means it's the same person, who is this person? I thought,

The letter reads as follows;

Dearest Ana, am sorry for the long wait, I have been busy alot, but not to bother you too much, I will like to take a bit of your time, too see you and finally express the reasons for my letters, today was a marvelous day, I was able to see your smile, I sent you a blue dress, just like color of  your beautiful eyes, I hope you I will see you in it at the ball, there we shall meet and i shall reveal my intentions torwards you.

~Your dearest admirer.

To say I was in utter shock will be an understatement, the only thing looming in my head now, is the ball, who thought I Annabelle will actually be nervous for a ball.

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