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She's in the clouds, heavy and dark, waiting to fall like rain.

~christy ann Martine.

The fresh cold breeze blew into her unkept hair, tied in a bun as her baby hairs danced with the wind, her thoughts ran wild, all she could think was how life became so complicated, at this moment all Annabelle could wish was for everything to go back to the way it was, she vowed never to complain about her life, and the suffocating dresses she had to wear, she wishes those her problems now.

It's been months since Hendrick left, and a year since her mother died, she tried not to think about it, but unfortunately her mind had a way of making it the only thing she thought about, and each time she felt like ripping her heart out, it ached, the throbbing feeling ached, today marked the day the new queen arrives to versillies, it does not feel like home anymore, with my brother training to take over as the heir, he was more quite and less trouble some, even she had gone silent.

Back in her dark, gloomy room she sat on her bed feeling tired as always, exhausted and tired was all she felt but as night fell the thoughts came back,

The queen is here, m'lady her maid informed her through the door, she had become more secretive since her mother's death, her trust in people became less and less as days passed with the culprit on the loose,

Tell my father I will not be present, I wish to remain undisturbed throughout the day she said defiantly without a glance at the door, she flipped the pages of her book delicately from page to page with her eyes trained on each word written in the book,

But you have t- her maid tried to say but was cut short by Annabelle, you may leave she ordered, without a word more her maid left shutting the door calmly as she stepped out.

The new queens arrival was a blend of anger and distaste, to her it seemed suspicious to her, to think she brought her own personal maid along with her to the kingdom and father aloud it, the way the queen acted was rather unsettling but.....there was nothing she could do about it, besides even if the new queen was up to no good who would believe her she thought,

Sitting up from her bed, maybe a little stroll out of this suffocating room would help, dressed up in a light gown with her book in her hands, with that she left.

Finally she reached the cliff side, it held so many memories of her late mother and Hendrick, she still loved him regardless of how it ended between them, she sat at the edge of the cliff watching the sunset as the mixture of yellow, orange and a taint of pink merged together in the sky, such a beautiful sight she thought, as a tear slip her eyes,


Will you wait for me? He asked in hopes she would, yes, looking into his eyes,

It's starting he said pointing at the sun setting, it's beautiful she said with a smile,

Not as beautiful as you he said looking into her eyes once more before kissing her,

Taken aback but nonetheless she savoured the moment kissing him back, as the moon finally shone it witnessed two lover embraced in each other's warmth.

End of Flashback

The memories indeed were difficult to lose, the silence was killing her slowly, she was dieing from the inside, she had become a lost cause, Hendrick gave her hope of living, her health was deteriorating little by little, a disease with no cure since child birth, maybe that's why she was always forced to finally take interest in marriage in hopes for a child to carry on her legacy in hopes to be happy, but it only reminded her of her disease and how much of a burden she was, it's selfish to think her child would not bear the same ill fate.

The cold breeze starts to sting on her once white skin, which was beginning to turn pale as the day passed, the cold breeze blew again much more stronger than the first, her light gown was not of any help, it was now had to sit anymore, the sun had already set and she knew it was time to go or she might as well be prepared to be turned to ice,

As she turned around to leave she spotted something familiar, moving closer and closer, it became clear to her, it was the Queen's carriage, why is the queen's carriage here? She thought, but her thoughts were soon interrupted by a more familiar voice, it cannot be.....,

The sound of the carriage door opened with a light crick sound, the queen emerged out of it, startled by the sound Annabelle hide near a bush abit more closer to the carriage but far enough not to be caught,

Hello mother he said

What Annabelle thought her eyes opened wider to the sudden revelation

Mother...... she thought her step mother is Hendrick's mother, is there more she needed to know, this were the thoughts running through her mind, bewildered by the scene, all she could think of how? Why?

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