the truth

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The eyes tell a story that the soul has lived and what the heart carries within it.

@pin interest.

The sound of the carriage door opened with a light crick sound, the queen emerged out of it, startled by the sound Annabelle hid near a bush a bit closer to the carriage but far enough not to be caught,

Hello mother he said

What Annabelle thought her eyes opened wider to the sudden revelation

Mother...... she thought her step mother is Hendrick's mother, is there more she needed to know, this were the thoughts running through her mind, bewildered by the scene, all she could think of how? WhyThe sound of the carriage door opened with a light crick sound, the queen emerged out of it, startled by the sound Annabelle hide near a bush abit more closer to the carriage but far enough not to be caught,


The scene that lay before her eyes was quite shocking, I must figure out what is going on she said to herself, leaning closer behind the bush she hid, there conversation was more clear to her,

Mother why have you requested for me? Hendrick whispered to his mother, he seemed more displeased than happy Annabelle thought, what could it be that had made him displeased to see his own mother,

Can I not request for my son?, she asked, I have missed you She said as she moved a bit closer trying to touch his face with her palms, with a step back he drew a father from her,

I do not want to take part in any of your schemes anymore he spoke as his gaze became more defiant towards his mother,

What schemes? Annabelle thought,

You mean....our schemes she said her tone becoming less welcoming, or have you forgotten you killed her mother and you!... broke the poor girls heart, she screamed out,

By now Annabelle was more than devastated, what...she gasped

It will be such a pity for her to find out,how her lover is also a killer, she said bitterly

Marching closer to him once again, I am your mother,but I am not afraid to change that she said, if I were you I would forget about love, and focus on being the new king she added,

Yes mother he said nodding his head,

Why are we here mother? He asked yet again,

Well we do have to celebrate our almost victory, do we not? She asked, but...... before that she trailed off, I want you to finish off our dear princess, well not you precisely, I would not want you to ruin our plans, you seem to be more incapable since you fell In love she said in disgust, why her of many maidens out there,

With his head down casted once more he replied with silence as tears threatened to prickle from his eyes,

Weak! Just like your father, she said looking at her son with disappointment laced in her gaze, I am glad I got rid of the old hag, the moment I had the chance she said with no remorse whatsoever,

Raise up your head she calmly said

Do you know, what we do?.......she said with a sinister smile coming closer to him, leaning forward she whispered to his ears, we help her die,

His eyes widen in shock once more, no! I will do no such thing, you said if I killed her mother you would spare her life he spoke moving away from the woman he called mother, was she even fit to be called that name he thought as his face forms a look of distaste and sudden hate towards her,

If you do not do it I might as well give it to another person she said

Looking at her once more he knew he had to accept,if not another person will potentially kill her, with a deep breath he accepted to do it,

Annabelle was in shock, as her heart broke once more, the one true love was a murderer a killer, and her life was now in his hands, tears began to fall from her eyes,

Queen Elise handed him a pieces of paper, in which she wrote the name of a woman she lived in the out skates of the kingdom and went by the name Melinda, and woman expertise in poison and selling of stolen merchandise,

Go to this place tell her an old friend requests of her help, from there she will know what to do, do not ruin our plans she said once more as she walked into her carriage and left,

Hendrick was now left to his thoughts, how do I do this? He thought asking himself a way out of this,

He was already her mother's killer, will he be had too, he sought for help from an old friend, Williams will know what to do, I shall consult him, he will be able to help with a out he thought, hoping on to his horse, he galloped away to find help.

She watched as they both left in different directions, she needed to know his next plan,but she followed him it would be more dangerous, and with her current health conditions, it might not be the best thing at hand, with that she retrieved back to the palace, she was lucky enough they did not see her, so she thought.

Your Highness the queen's personal maid greeted as she walked into her room,

Did you keep an eye on her as I told you she asked her personal maid as she sat by her mirror combining her already graying hair,

Yes your Highness, it appears the princess might be up to something....the maid trailed off

What is it the queen demanded,

She knows the maid finally said,

I see......I guess we would have to take her out by our selves, she said with a devilishly grin,

But your so- cut off by the queen as the maid tried to caution her master,

Not to worry about that, she won't be a problem for long she finally added.

Will Hendrick kill her, will Annabelle survive or will queen Elise finally quench her taste for vengeance and power.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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