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Sunny looked around, confused. He thought he didn't have to show up in this place again. He noticed someone with a laptop on their lap. The person looked up at Sunny, and he noticed who the person was.

Omori said, "Well. It seems you're escaping reality again."

Sunny said, "Omori?"

Omori said, "Yeah. No one else would be here. Except for Mewo."

Omori petted Mew, who was lying next to him.

Omori said, "But why are you here again? You decided to go back to reality. And now you're back here for some reason? Or is it because you miss something?"

Sunny said, "Sigh* I wish to be with my friends again. I can barely remember how they reacted."

Omori said, "Maybe it's for the best."

Sunny said, "Yeah. You may be right."

Omori said, "Okay. Are you gonna wake up? You don't want to get some bad grades."

Sunny said, "Fine. Where's the knife?"

Sunny soon woke up and noticed the teacher getting his attention.

Mrs. Linda said, "Come on. Wake up, Sunny. It's time for lunch."

Sunny said, "Yeah, yeah. I know."

Sunny stretched his limbs and rubbed his eyes. He felt miserable. Mrs. Linda noticed Sunny's less than okay mood.

Mrs. Linda said, "You okay? You've haven't been acting so well recently. Is something wrong?"

Sunny said, "I guess I miss my old home.

Mrs. Linda said, "I see. I'm guessing you're still not used to this place."

Sunny said, "Not really."

Mrs. Linda said, "Well. I hope your day gets better."

Sunny said, "Yeah."

Sunny was now in the cafeteria, carrying a tray of food. But then he noticed Amil waving out to him. Sunny walked over to him and sat down. Amil started stuffing his mouth with the chicken bites on his tray.

Sunny said, "Is that safe?"

Amil said, "Well. I didn't have a moment when I choked while doing it."

Sunny said, "Doesn't mean it can't happen."

Amil said, "So, what about you? Where did you used to live?"

Sunny said, "Faraway Town?"

Amil said, "Oh hey. That's surprising. My cousin has moved into Faraway Town. She said the neighbors are nice, but the place feels haunted."

Sunny said, "Oh. Nice."

Amil said, "And speaking of my cousin, I was about to head over there for spring break. And considering you used to live there, do you want to come with me?"

Sunny started to think about heading back to Faraway. He could meet his friends again and see Basil again.

Sunny said, "Sure."

Amil said, "Perfect. I'll ask my mom if you can come along. This is going to be so fun."

Sunny felt a little unsure. But he had to try.

Always In My Dreams (SunnyXBasil Story)Where stories live. Discover now