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Daniel noticed Basil's tears of hope, and he grabbed his head and made Basil look at him instead. Erasing the happy look on his face.

Daniel said, "Let's get rid of that smile on your face."

Daniel leaned in to kiss him, but Sunny punched Daniel's face, and he fell off Basil. Basil got up and immediately hugged Sunny. Sunny hugged back.

Sunny said, "Listen here, you jerk. If you dare hurt my best friend again, I will not show mercy."

Daniel stomped away aggressively. Basil continued crying happily in Sunny's arms. Sunny patted his back while still hugging him.

Sunny said, "It's okay. Let it all out."

Basil started to slowly calm down.

Basil said, "Thank you."

Basil got back up.

Sunny said, "I'm glad I got here in time."

Amil said, "Who was that guy?"

Aubrey said, "That was Daniel. He is a member of our football team. When he isn't playing sports, he usually hanged out with his friends."

Kel said, "Aubrey!? Why are you here? I thought you said your old friends are not gonna be there for you."

Aubrey said, "I said that cause I knew you had your own issues you were going through, and Kim and everyone else decided to meet up with Kim's grandmother in Canada, Kel!"

Kel said, "Then why did you tell them about Sunny?"

Aubrey said, "I needed to vent out to someone. Did you think I would be okay after being given the truth that Sunny -"

Amil said, "Alright, enough! Calm down."

Sunny said, "This happens a lot. It's kind of a normal thing."

Amil said, "Okay. We should go to Kaymart? Othermart? Eh. Same thing. Let's go."

Sunny said, "Okay."

Basil said, "W- wait. Can I join you?"

Sunny said, "Sure. It's nice spending time with you again."

Basil said, "Yeah."

Sunny said, "Hey, Kel. What do you need to get from Othermart again?"

Kel said, "Oh. Well, Hero's coming back for spring break. So, mom asked me to get their order for them."

Sunny said, "Is it a Hero sandwich?"

Kel said, "Yeah. You know me too well. Let's go."

Kel started walking to Othermart. Everyone else started to follow him.

Amil said, "So, is the sandwich named after your friend or..?"

Kel said, "Nope. That's just his nickname."

Aubrey said, "Hold on a second. You're just gonna stop talking to me?"

Amil said, "No one told you to stop talking to us."

Aubrey said, "Are you seriously judging me right now?"

Amil said, "No. I'm just being honest."

Aubrey said, "Who is your new friend, Sunny?"

Sunny said, "He's just someone I know at school who invited to bring me back here."

Basil said, "Really?"

Amil said, "I wouldn't really say just someone. He's my best friend."

Sunny just sighed from what Amil said. Basil was confused about Amil. Does Sunny think Amil's annoying? They stopped in front of Othermart, and they walked into Gino's Pizza.

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