Everything Isn't Okay

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Basil dropped the shears and started to cry. Sunny rushed over and checked if he didn't hurt himself.

Sunny said, "Basil. Are you okay?"

Basil said, "Why do I keep burdening people?"

Sunny said, "You aren't burdening anyone."

Basil said, "Then how did we all drift apart? It was all me. It's all my fault. I could've done something. I could've been there to support you instead of hanging Mari up. I hurt everyone around me. I made Aubrey hate me, I made Kel and Hero abandon me, and I made you leave me. I should've hanged myself all those years ago."

Sunny hugged Basil, trying to calm him down.

Sunny said, "Basil. It's not your fault. You don't burden everyone. If you didn't enter my life, I would not have had my best friend. I'm not gonna leave you again."

Basil kept crying in Sunny's arms. Aubrey walked in and saw him crying.

Aubrey said in concern, "What happened?"

Sunny said, "I heard him screaming, and the next thing I saw was Basil pointing the shears at his belly."

Aubrey kneeled down and tried giving a soft smile.

Aubrey said, "Basil. I know those days were bad those four years. But we're here for you. You don't have to be alone anymore."

Basil sobbed, "But what if I do something bad again? What if I make the same mistake again?"

Aubrey said, "That will never happen. And even if it happened again, we'll still be here for you."

Basil started to calm down a bit. He clearly wasn't doing well.

Sunny said, "Let's just go ahead and head to Gino's. We can talk on the way there. If that's okay with you."

Basil nodded and tried getting up, and they walked out of Basil's room.

Daniel's POV

Sunny, Basil, and Aubrey left the house and started heading to Gino's. But little did they know that Daniel was watching them while smoking a cigarette. Daniel stared in anger at Sunny.

Daniel said, "Who does that monotone boy think he is punching me and taking one of our group?"

Sean stood next to him. Playing around with a small pocket knife in his brown hands.

Sean said, "Maybe it's because you keep slobbering over the flower boy like a creep when you're drunk. Remember?"

Daniel said, "Still. I'd kick his teeth in if I get the chance."

Sean said, "You think that's what we're supposed to be doing? Kill people!?"

Sean slapped Daniel in the face. Daniel looked at Sean in rage.

Sean said, "You're just like my father. He kept on holding grudges until he was placed in his grave."

Daniel said, "I don't wanna hear about how you killed your father because he found out your mom is lesbian. I'm gonna give that little monotone a piece of my mind."

Daniel stomped away, leaving Sean to continue fiddling with his pocket knife. A stag beetle flew on a tree behind him, and Sean threw the pocket knife at it. The pocket knife pierced through the beetles carapace and the bark of the tree, leaving the beetle hanging the tree with a few twitches.

Hero's POV

Hero drove into the parking spot and got out of the car. Hero looked around and breathed in a breath of home.

Hero sighed in relief, "Home sweet home."

Hero then looked at Sunny's old house. Hero felt that relief of being home evaporated. That was the last house he wanted to see again. Hero then closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

Hero said, "Don't worry. He left a year ago. You don't have to think about him anymore. Why can't things be back the way they used to be?"

Kel called out, "Hey, Hero! Welcome back!"

Hero looked at the house and saw Kel at the front of the door.

Hero said, "Kel!? Why are you over?"

Kel said, "I'm spending time with our new neighbors."

Hero thought, "Oh, thank goodness. For a moment, I thought-"

Kel said, "Oh yeah. And Sunny returned for spring break."

Hero said, "Oh no."

Kel said, "He went to hang out with Basil. Could you go get them? It wouldn't feel right without them."

Hero hesitantly said, "Okay. I will."

Hero walked away, feeling unsure about it.

Hero said, "Let's just get this over with."

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