Joy Fading

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Basil walked away from them and waved goodbye. He kept walking. He felt happy that Sunny's back, but a part of him knew it's not going to last forever. Soon, he'd be gone again, and he be alone once more. It felt like something was watching him. Like something was somewhere staring at him.

Basil made it back to his house. He checked on the flowers outside and noticed a few of them had been wilting. Did he forget to water them? But he remembered watering them when he woke up. Maybe they needed some more. Or maybe he had been watering them too much.

He walked into the house. Polly was at the kitchen counter, making some chicken soup.

Polly said, "Hey, Basil. You're home just in time for dinner."

Basil said, "Oh. Okay. I'll just go to the bathroom."

Polly said, "Okay. Don't be in there for too long."

Basil went into the bathroom and looked at the mirror. He stared deeply into his own eyes in the mirror. Feeling his heart aching internally.

Basil said, "What is happening to me. Why do I feel strange around him? We're just friends. Why would a guy like another guy like another guy? There must be some other reason. Even if a guy can like another guy, is that even okay to have these feelings?"

???, "What do you think?"

Basil looked back to see what just spoke to him. But there was nothing there.

???, "Wrong way."

Basil looked around, and still, no one was there.

???, "Take a look at yourself."

Basil said, "What do you mean?"

???, "You're a boy. A possessive dumb pathetic excuse for a man. You want so deeply to protect him. You want him to hold you in his arms and protect you in return, but you're afraid of what he might think of you. Afraid that he'd hate you if you say you love him. Well, let me tell you the truth."

Basil looked at the mirror and saw something that looked like him, but way different. Its body was shrouded in darkness, Its arms were long and gangly, its eyes were squinted with an open eye on its forehead, and tendrils poked from its back.

???, "He'll never love you. He hates you."

Basil said, "No. Leave me alone."

???, "You always will be."

The creature faded away. Leaving Basil sitting down on the ground in tears. Left to question his feelings and himself, and if it was worth to live.

Always In My Dreams (SunnyXBasil Story)Where stories live. Discover now