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Sunny, Basil, and Aubrey walked down the street to Othermart. Sunny held Basil's hand. Basil then held Sunny's hold arm.

Sunny said, "I know times have been tough, Basil. But..."

Sunny stumbled on his own words. Basil clearly wasn't getting any better. He didn't know what to do apart from being with him when he still had the chance.

Aubrey said, "Well, thank goodness that Daniel isn't here, am I right? Haha."

No one laughed. They kept walking to Othermart. The clouds blocked away the sun, leaving a blanket of clouds in the sky. It was silent. There was no sound apart from the wind and their footsteps.

They soon made it to Othermart's parking lot. Nobody was around. There were some cars, but no one got out of them or showed up to get in.

Aubrey said, "How about we go get some pizza?"

Basil said, "Uhm. S-sure."

Daniel said, "Well, well, well, Monotone!"

They turned and noticed Daniel standing behind them. Daniel punched Sunny, and he fell onto the ground. Basil got scared and hid behind Aubrey.

Daniel said, "You think you can just push me and stare at me with those fucking eyes!? You are DEAD WRONG!"

Daniel picked Sunny and kept beating him him up.

Daniel said, "No one insults me! Who do you think you are!?"

Sunny then grabbed Daniel's hand and bit it. Daniel dropped Sunny and screamed in pain.

Daniel said, "Augh. What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

Sunny stood up with his aggressive look. He then tackled into Daniel and kept punching back at Daniel.

Daniel screamed out, "Get off of me!"

Daniel and Sunny kept punching each other, and Sunny didn't hold back, continuously punching, scratching, and biting Daniel as hard as he could. Daniel then pushed him off.

Daniel said, "I said get off of me!"

Daniel got up and took out a bat. He headed towards Sunny.

Daniel said, "You know what happened to my sister when he tried torturing me?"

He struggled to raise the bat up.

Daniel said in a mix of emotions, "She visited the grave."

Daniel got ready to slam the bat onto Sunny. Daniel's eyes were filled with a hinge of insanity, like he was filled with many chaotic emotions.

But then Hero showed up and grabbed the bat out of Daniel's hand, and threw it aside. Daniel noticed Hero and started attacking Hero. But Hero held him and subdued him. Daniel kept squirming to get out but failed.

Daniel yelled in anger, "Let me go! You think you're better than me!? Let me go, you fucking son of a bitch!"

Hero said, "Calm down."

Daniel over time calmed down and started to cry uncontrollably. Hero letted go and tried picking him up. But Daniel refused to get up and covered his face with his face.

Hero then walked over to Sunny and checked if he was okay. Sunny noticed Hero above him. Hero picked Sunny up and started carrying him back. Aubrey and Basil followed him. As Basil walked by Daniel, Basil hesitantly tried to comfort him.

Basil said nervously, "I-it's okay. P-please calm d-"

Daniel said, "I'm a monster, aren't I?"

Basil said, "W-what do you mean?"

Daniel said, "My sister was right. Why? Why do I hurt everyone?"

Daniel took out a picture of him and his older sister. They looked so happy in the photo

Daniel cried, "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have been so awful to her."

Basil nervously said, "I-i'm gonna go."

Basil nervously backed away from Daniel, continued following Sunny, Hero, and Aubrey. Leaving Daniel crying alone. Sean appeared and started scalding Daniel.

Sean said, "What did I tell you? You never listen to the simplest of things. When will you ever learn not to start fights like an imbecile?"

Daniel got up and walked away. Daniel started contemplating what he's done.

(Back to Sunny)

Amil, Atifa, and Kel were playing poker at the table. Amil was struggling at the game, and so was Kel. Atifa threw down her cards.

Atifa said, "I win."

Amil said, "Haha. It's probably because I don't know much of this game."

Kel said, "I just went easy on you."

Atifa giggled, "Sure. It looked like you were struggling back there."

Kel said, "uuhhhhhh."

Amil laughed out loud.

Amil said, "You're such a funny guy."

Kel said, "I am? Well, I'm glad I'm not annoying to you."

Amil said, "No. You're not annoying at all... actually... I find you... kind of... sweet."

Kel said, "Oh, thanks. I'm always here to help a friend."

Amil said, "Only a friend?"

Kel said, "What do you mean."

Hero walked into the house with Sunny in his hands.

Hero said, "Can you make some room for Sunny?"

Kel said, "What happened to him?"

Hero said, "I saw him attacking another person, and they brutally injured each other."

Kel and Atifa made room on the couch, and Hero placed Sunny down.

Basil said, "Is he okay? We don't have to take him to the hospital again, do we?"

Hero said, "Don't worry. He's alright. Just a few bruises and scrapes. Now stay still, Sunny. Or else the bruises will hurt more."

Sunny said, "Okay."

Basil said, "Sunny. Are you alright?

Sunny said, "Yeah. I'm alright. It just hurts a bit to move around."

Basil started to cry, "I'm sorry. I should've done something."

Sunny said, "It's not your fault."

Basil said, "I don't want to lose you."

Sunny grabbed Basil's hand to ease him down.

Sunny said, "You're not going to lose me."

Basil said, "But what about the end of spring break?"

Sunny said, "I'm not going back. I want to stay here with my friends, and with you."

Basil said, "Wait. Do you mean..."

Sunny said, "Basil. I love you."

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