Good Old Days

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Sunny woke up on the couch. He still felt tired. He felt slightly uncomfortable sleeping on a couch. He hasn't been used to sleeping on a couch without a sleeping bag. One of his hands was touching the ground. He tried getting up, and his stomach started growling.

He walked into the kitchen. But then he saw Amil searching through the cabinets for breakfast.

Amil said, "Well. Nothing here but some Jungle Flakes and Chocolate Coconuts."

Sunny said, "Isn't Chocolate Coconuts that cereal where it can make the milk brown?"

Amil said, "Oh hey, Sunn-"

Amil hit his head at the at the ceiling of the cabinet.

Sunny said, "Are you alright?"

Amil looked back to look at Sunny.

Amil said, "Yeah. I'm fine. Just hit my head a bit. But I'm fine."

Sunny said, "Is there any steak or something?"

Amil said, "Steak for breakfast? Don't you think that it's kind of weird? Maybe you should eat some Chocolate Coconuts. Or maybe I can cook you bacon. I still don't know how to make eggs, though."

Sunny said, "Alright. I'll wait."

Amil grabbed a frying pan and placed it on the stove, and setted the temperature. He grabbed some bacon and carefully placed the pieces in the pan.

Amil turned the bacon around carefully, and when the bacon was ready, he placed the pieces on a plate and took it to Sunny.

Amil said, "Here you go. Some crispy bacon."

Sunny took a bite of a piece of bacon. The crunchy and greasy taste on his tongue.

Sunny said, "Wow. You really did this. It's so good."

Amil said, "Well. I don't think it's that special. Anybody could cook some bacon."

Atifa said, "Are you enjoying your stay?"

Sunny and amil look around to see Atifa standing at the entrance of the room.

Sunny said, "Yeah. I'm doing alright."

Atifa said, "That's good."

Sunny said, "I'm thinking of going to get a gift for Basil?"

Amil said, "Oh. Really?"

Atifa said, "Who's that?"

Sunny said, "Basil's my best friend. I've known him since I was 11."

Atifa said, "Aww. That sounds sweet."

Amil said, "Yeah. We saw him yesterday. But he was attacked by someone."

Atifa said, "Oh no. That sounds awful. Is he okay?"

Sunny said, "No. Definitely not. He seems to still be struggling. That's why I'm gonna get Basil a gift. And then I'm gonna hang out with him. Like we used to. I want to help him. I'm not gonna lose another person I hold dear."

Atifa said, "Another?"

Sunny sighed, "My sister died when I was eleven. She died by suicide."

Atifa said, "Oh. I'm sorry."

Sunny said, "It's okay. I'm gonna go see Basil."

Atifa said, "Okay. See you later."

Sunny opened the door only to see Kel almost ready to knock on the door.

Kel said, "Oh. Hey, Sunny. Did you know I was going to knock on the door?"

Sunny said, "No. I was gonna go see Basil."

Kel said, "Oh. Can I join?"

Sunny said, "Sorry, Kel. I just thought it would just be me and Basil for today."

Kel said, "Oh. Okay. Well, can I hang out with Amil?"

Sunny said, "That's his choice. Not mine."

Amil blushed nervously and hid behind Atifa.

Kel said, "Alright, see you later then."

Sunny walked away, heading to Basil's house.

Kel closed the door and looked at Amil and Atifa. He gave a kind hearted smile and looked around.

Kel said, "Do you have any games we can play? I'm really good at poker."

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