Pizza Delivery For Uhhh

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They walked into the restaurant, and Kel walked up to the register. Clearly for the hero sandwich.

Kel said, "Hey. I came for the hero sandwiches my mom ordered."

The girl behind the register looked pretty tired and had trouble staying awake and listen.

The girl said, "W-what?"

Kel said, "Uhm. The hero sandwiches my mom ordered online."

The girl groaned, "Oh. Let me go get it."

The girl tiredly walked away. Maybe she had stayed up overnight without sleep. Kel seemed to notice a help wanted sign next to the register.

Kel said, "Hey. Sunny. Remember when you did this job?"

Sunny started to remember the first moment he delivered the pizza. The paper was so terrible to read. And hearing people getting mad at him for not delivering it on time. It was very frustrating.

Sunny said, "Please don't remind me of it."

Basil said, "Wait. You did this job?"

Sunny said, "Yeah. But it was way too frustrating. I nearly broke down from the stress of it all. Thank goodness I don't have to do that anymore."

Basil said, "Oh. That must've been awful."

Sunny said, "It was all over the place."

Kel said, "It did seem to stress him out."

Aubrey said, "Kel."

Kel said, "I'm glad I didn't join the job. I wouldn't have known what to do."

Amil said, "Yeah, that makes sense."

Aubrey said, "Kel."

Kel said, "Who decided to write that badly on the notes? It was like it was written by a child."

Aubrey said, "KEL!"

Kel said, "What!?"

Kel looked back and saw the girl at the register with the hero sandwiches.

The girl yawned, "Here are your sandwiches."

Kel grabbed the sandwiches from the girl.

Kel said, "Thank you. Uhm. Don't you think you should take a break?"

The girl said, "I can't."

Kel said, "Why?"

The girl said, "I need the money. I'm so close. I can't just take a break."

Amil said, "But you're clearly tired."

The girl said, "I'm not gonna give up. I need to help my friend."

Aubrey said, "What's wrong with your friend?"

The girl noticed her phone was ringing and she took it out and answered it.

The girl said, "Hello?"

Jack said, "Hey, Katrina. Are you alright?"

Katrina said, "I doing fine. Still working at Gino's."

Jack said, "Katrina. It's okay. I don't need the money. You need a break."

Katrina said, "But what am I supposed to do if you end up on the side of the road?"

Jack said, "Katrina. That's not happening. My parents and I are already packing up to go to my uncle's house."

Katrina said, "No. I'm still gonna work until you get your own house again."

Jack said, "Katrina. If you keep working all the time without sleep, you're going to die."

Katrina said, "I don't care. I want you to be happy."

Jack said, "What would make me happy is that you stop working yourself before you can't move anymore."

Jack hung up the phone. Leaving Katrina continuing his work.

Katrina said, "Sorry you had to hear that. Go ahead and leave this issue doesn't involve you."

Amil said, "O-okay. I hope things get better for you."

They walked away and left the restaurant.

Basil said, "I feel sorry for her. Do you think she'll be able to get better?"

Kel said, "I hope so."

Aubrey said, "So, should we head back to your house?"

Kel said, "Sure. Let's go."

Basil said, "Actually. I-I have to go home. Polly is probably waiting for me."

Sunny said, "Okay. Stay safe."

Basil walked away from them and waves them goodbye.

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