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Basil didn't know what to say. He wasn't expecting him to say those three words. Basil blushed in shock.

Basil said, "I... I don't know what to say."

Sunny said, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You're the most special person I know. And I want to take it to the next level."

Basil said, "Sunny, I... I..."

Basil was all choked up. Sunny leaned Basil in, giving him a deep kiss. Basil was shocked for a moment but then kissed back. Their hearts melded together, and they felt whole. It felt like nothing existed but them. They stopped kissing for a moment and realized that everyone was watching. Basil started turning red.

Aubrey said, "Wer-were you just kissing right now?"

Sunny said, "Yeah. What's the problem?"

Kel said, "Wait. A guy can like another guy?"

Aubrey said, "You really are an idiot."

Kel said, "Hey. What's that supposed to mean?"

Aubrey said, "You ever heard of gay people?"

Kel said, "I thought that just meant happy."

Aubrey said, "It does mean that, but it also means liking the same gender, you idiot!"

Amil got in the middle of them to stop the fighting.

Amil said, "Alright, let's all just take a deep breath and calm down."

Hero said, "Sunny. I didn't know you liked Basil like that."

Sunny said, "Well, you guys know now."

Basil said, "So, what do we do now? I don't really feel like going home."

Sunny said, "How about we have a sleep over. I mean, we're all here."

Hero looked unsure about the idea.

Hero said, "Uhm. I don't know. I gotta go home."

Kel said, "Oh, come on. You came back and met Sunny again, all beaten up, and he offered you to stay for a sleepover, and you just leave?"

Hero sighed, "I wasn't even expecting him to come back."

Sunny said, "He doesn't have to stay. It's his choice."

Hero said, "Thanks, Sunny. I'll check up on you in the morning."

Kel said, "Okay. But you're going to miss a fun time."

Hero said, "Sure. And Sunny, don't hurt yourself."

Sunny said, "I won't."

Hero left the house.

Aubrey said, "So, what do you guys want to do?"

Atifa said, "How about we play more poker?"

Kel said, "Oh no."

Aubrey said, "What's wrong? Worried you'll lose?"

Kel said, "Alright. That's it. You're on."

Atifa said, "How about you, Amil?"

Amil said, "I'm just gonna skip this game. I wasn't good at it anyway."

Atifa said, "Alright."

(2 hours later)

Atifa, Aubrey, and Kel were playing a board game; Kel wasn't good at it. Basil and Sunny were cuddling each other softly. Amil walked over to them. Sunny and Basil stopped cuddling and looked at him.

Always In My Dreams (SunnyXBasil Story)Where stories live. Discover now