The Deep Sleep

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Sunny woke up in Whitespace once again and looked around. Sunny looked up and saw Omori above him.

Omori said, "So, you decided to come back. I thought I was a monster. And yet you came back."

Sunny said, "Omori. I'm sorry. I just felt awful hearing you talking bad about Basil. I just wanna still help him. He's still my best friend."

Omori said, "But you weren't wrong. I always mess things up when I try to help."

Sunny said, "I want to help Basil."

Omori said, "How are you gonna do that?"

Sunny started to think about what to do. Basil was always nervous when it came to his own feelings. Except for when he came to Sunny to talk about his problems. But even then, there are some things he still doesn't know about him. Like who his parents were like or what he did through all those 4 years, apart from being bullied by Aubrey.

Sunny still couldn't think of how to help. Through those 4 years, he didn't think of reality and thought of his grieving.

Sunny said, "I don't know. But I'm not gonna stop until I help my friend with his problem."

Omori said, "But what if he dies before you get to help him? What if he stabs himself with his shears?"

Sunny said, "Then I will live with the guilt for the rest of my life. But I will not let that happen."

Omori said, "Maybe start with giving him something before you just ask if he has been struggling."

Sunny said, "Yeah. If I remember, Basil's favorite flower is the sunflower. Maybe they have a hairpin in Othermart."

Omori said, "The sun is probably starting to rise. You should go ahead and wake up."

Sunny said, "Oh no. Not the knife."

Omori said, "What? No. You can just go through the door."

Sunny said, "Oh. Really?"

Omori said, "Do you still have self-loathing problems?"

Sunny said, "Alright. I'll see you later."

Omori said, "See you later. I'm just gonna be here. Maybe look at the laptop or spend time with Mewo."

Sunny walked towards the door and opened it.

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