Home Sweet Home

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Sunny remembered the house. He used to live there. Before he moved away.

Amil said, "Here we are. This is where Atifa lives."

Sunny wasn't expecting his old house to be where his cousin was. He soon got out of the car and looked around the road and the houses. Taking in the fact that he's back.
He noticed Kel's house. It looked the same as always, except there was a seemingly new basketball hoop in the yard and some new basketballs here and there.

Sunny thought, "Maybe I should visit them."

Amil said, "Why are you staring at the house over there."

Sunny said, "That house belongs to one of my friends."

Amil said, "Oh, cool. Can you introduce me to him?"

Sunny said, "I don't know. I'm not even sure if they want to see me anymore."

Amil said, "What happened?"

Sunny said, "I don't want to talk about it. Let's just meet your cousin."

They walked up to the house. Amil knocked on the door and waited for a response. The door opened, and a girl stood in front of the entrance. The girl looked like Amil but with longer red hair.

Atifa said, "Oh, hey. Amil. You came. And... you brought someone."

Amil said , "Sorry. This is my cousin, Atifa. Atifa. This is my friend, Sunny."

Atifa said, "Nice to meet you, Sunny."

Sunny said, "Nice to meet you too."

Amil said, "You see, Sunny says he used to live here, and I thought of bringing him here."

Sunny started to walk over to Kel's while they were still talking.

Atifa said, "It's surprising that you said you didn't have any friends. But now you all of a suddenly went 380° and now have a friend."

Amil said, "A person can make a friend quickly."

Sunny continued walking to the front of Kel's house. He knocked on the door and waited for a response of some kind. Then the door opened, and Kel was in front of the doorway. Kel appeared shocked to see him. Sunny got ready for whatever he was going to do. Kel launched at him and gave Sunny a hug.

Kel said, "OH MY GOSH! YOU'RE BACK! How's it been, buddy? The city must've been incredible."

Sunny said, "Wait. You're not mad seeing me?"

Kel said, "Of course not. We're still friends. And Hero thinks the same."

Amil said, "Hey, Sunny!"

Amil ran over to Sunny. Kel stopped hugging Sunny, and he appeared confused. Amil then tripped on a step and ran into Kel. Both of them fell on the ground. Amil lifted himself up a bit and noticed he was on top of Kel. Amil blushed and immediately got up. Kel got back up easily

Amil said, "Oh my God. I'm so sorry."

Kel said, "It's okay. I just didn't expect you to ram into me."

Sunny said, "Hey, Kel. Want to go to the park?"

Kel said, "Actually. I was told by my mom to head over to Othermart just before you started knocking."

Sunny said, "So, is that a yes?"

Kel said, "Yeah. Or course. It's great seeing my friend again."

Kel, Amil, and Sunny started to head over to Othermart.

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