You Came Back For Me

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Basil was trying to relax in the park. He had been through hell thanks to Daniel's treatment towards him. When he wasn't around, he felt safe and free for a bit. He always had a way of finding him when he finally felt safe. He was just staring at the flowers. Seeing how their beautiful petals shine in the sunlight.
But then he saw a shadow coming towards him. He looked up and saw Aubrey. Sometimes, she never noticed it was her. She now wore an outfit almost entirely in black. But she had a pink shirt with a white simplistic skull picture in the middle. And her hair was now almost fully black with some pink tips in the hair.
Aubrey looked at him with a blank and serious expression. Making Basil nervous.

Aubrey said, "I should've known you would be here."

Basil tried to back away from Aubrey. Basil was frightened about being mocked or beaten up like those years ago. Aubrey noticed it and seemed to try letting her guard down without appearing soft.

Aubrey said, "Basil. Please. I'm not gonna hurt you. I want to help you. It's just... I didn't know this was going to happen."

Basil said, "Wait. You told them about what we did?"

Aubrey said, "Not all of it. I did keep some secrets to myself. Like our secret hideout and the fact that you had that plan. I know that I did so many horrible things those years, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have hurt you."

Basil said, "Then why did you tell them!?"

Aubrey said, "Because... They were the only people that helped me out when you were too busy."

Daniel said, "Hey, Aubrey. Who are you talking to!?"

Aubrey noticed Daniel coming over to them, and Aubrey turned back to Basil.

Aubrey whispered, "Hide."

Basil hid in the bushes and tried to stay as quiet as he could. Despite his heart rising heavily.

Aubrey said, "What do you mean?"

Daniel said, "You seemed to be talking to something."

Aubrey said, "I just tried to feed a rabbit."

Daniel said, "Okay?"

Basil tried to sneak away quietly. But he noticed a spider in front of his face. He tried to stay quiet and brushed the spider off. He made out of the bushes without Daniel noticing. But before he got to run away, he tripped onto the ground. Daniel looked back and noticed Basil.

Daniel said, "Oh, looks like a lucky day for me."

Daniel walked over to Basil. Basil panicked heavily, for he knew what Daniel was going to do to him. Daniel pinned Basil down to the ground. Basil kept struggling and screaming.

Basil said, "Kel! Aubrey! Hero! Please help! SUNNY!"

Daniel said, "Nobody's going to save you. And I'll always be with you."

Sunny said, "Leave him alone."

Basil looked up and saw Sunny standing behind him. Basil felt relieved that Sunny was here again. Basil started smiling  with tears trickling down his face.

Daniel said, "Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about it?"

Basil cried, "Sunny. You came back for me."

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